Inserting knurl feature on cylindrical surfaces

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Joe, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. Joe

    Joe Guest

    How do you insert a knurl feature on cylindrical surfaces such as on
    knobs, handles, shafts, etc in Pro/Engineer 2001 (Basic Version)?

    Is this feature included in Premium packages?
    Joe, Dec 11, 2003
  2. Joe

    dakeb Guest

    Pattern a helical sweep cut.

    Then do another one in the opposite direction.

    But only if you really really have to.
    dakeb, Dec 12, 2003
  3. Joe

    John Wade Guest

    " But only if you really really have to."

    Indeed. Much better to use texture mapping to put a picture of a knurled
    surface on your model. Actually modelling it is a waste of time and savages
    graphics performance.

    Or create a cosmetic thread and detail it as a knurl on the drawing
    John Wade, Dec 12, 2003
  4. Joe

    David Janes Guest

    : Or create a cosmetic thread and detail it as a knurl on the drawing
    Good suggestion, only a cosmetic thread creates a dashed representation of a
    thread surface in drawing views. Once again, PTC, for the hundred millionth time,
    we need a COSMETIC KNURL!! It would take input on type (straight, angled,
    diamond), pitch, tooth depth and, then, in the model, show lines indicating knurl
    crest or root and in a drawing view, present a note containing the basic knurl
    information. This just can't be that difficult.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Dec 13, 2003
  5. Joe

    S.T. Guest

    I totally agree David! Since Pro/E falls into the MCAD category, you would
    think that it would have superb knurling functionality. Especially when you
    consider the number of years that the application has been in existence.

    S.T., Dec 13, 2003
  6. Joe

    David Janes Guest

    : : >
    : > : > :
    : > <snip>
    : > : Or create a cosmetic thread and detail it as a knurl on the drawing
    : > :
    : > Good suggestion, only a cosmetic thread creates a dashed representation of
    : a
    : > thread surface in drawing views. Once again, PTC, for the hundred
    : millionth time,
    : > we need a COSMETIC KNURL!! It would take input on type (straight, angled,
    : > diamond), pitch, tooth depth and, then, in the model, show lines
    : indicating knurl
    : > crest or root and in a drawing view, present a note containing the basic
    : knurl
    : > information. This just can't be that difficult.
    : >
    : > David Janes
    : I totally agree David! Since Pro/E falls into the MCAD category, you would
    : think that it would have superb knurling functionality. Especially when you
    : consider the number of years that the application has been in existence.
    : S.T.
    Okay, that's two votes for cosmetic knurl (this time around). This has come up
    several times recently, any other ays? Any nays? Pete, Dammerl, Chris, Dakeb,
    meld_b, Gwilym, Shankar, Martin, Mike, Dave, Kenny, other regulars?
    David Janes, Dec 13, 2003
  7. Joe

    dakeb Guest

    Sort of like a cross between textures (which don't show up on drawings) and
    cosmetic features, I'd like to be able to simply apply a cross-hatch to the
    knurled surface in two directions, and define the spacing/angle. This would
    look good in the elevations on the drawing. It would probably be listed in
    the cosmetic feature menu.
    dakeb, Dec 15, 2003
  8. Joe

    Dammerl Guest

    I am not sure about ANSI or any other national standards, but in the
    German standard (DIN) there is the possibility to display the knurl as a
    partial x-section. Basically in drawing mode, you draw a closed loop
    around your cylinder and fill that with a x-section according to the
    type of knurl. Just a workaround and takes some time, but you get your
    display properly to the standards. Add the according note and you are
    all set.

    I guess in part mode, a texture is the best way. Cosmetics other then
    threads have the disadvantage that they shine through the part from the
    back-side. Modeling only if you need more time while zooming and other
    display operations (for coffee and such).

    Dammerl, Dec 15, 2003
  9. Joe

    Alex Sh. Guest

    I'd sure love to have that.
    While we are making up a wish list, how about modifying the Hole Wizard to
    allow simultaneous creation of multiple holes of the same type and size (one
    of very few features which are IMO much better in SolidWorks: you put points
    at future hole locations, select the hole type and size, and voila! you are
    done). Also, get rid of the 3D note the ProE Hole Wizard creates and make a
    set of parameters created with a hole more flexible to allow people to
    tailor drawing hole callouts to their company standards.
    Alex Sh., Dec 16, 2003
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