Inserting BOM Table (API ) error

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dataman, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. Dataman

    Dataman Guest

    When trying to insert a SW BOM table (not Excel based) using the
    following call the table goes in with no part entries actually in the
    table. If I insert manually using the same table template it always
    works as it should. If I insert using the API call and then modify the
    tables properties (BOM Type), such as to Parts Only, Indented
    Assemblies Only, Top Level Only - the table immediately fills

    Is my call wrong or is there a bug in the Insert routine?

    Set swBomTable = swView.InsertBomTable2(False, vPickPt(0), vPickPt(1),
    swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopLeft, 3, "", "C:\Program
    Files\SolidWorks\lang\English\bom-standard.sldbomtbt ")
    Dataman, Jul 20, 2006
  2. Dataman

    Mr. Who Guest

    I know this API works because I've used it in the past. If you specify
    a top level bom then no bom data fills in until you specify the
    configurations post creation using bomfeature:setconfigurations. This
    is outlined in the API help.

    I did notice that in your call you haven't specified a configuration.
    Try "default" or whatever configuration is available to that part. Ten
    to one odds this does it for you.
    Mr. Who, Jul 21, 2006
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