inserting blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tom Parks, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Tom Parks

    Tom Parks Guest

    I use some 3rd party symbols in my drawings and also use standard symbols I
    have created. When I use either the design center or tool pallet
    (AutoCAD2005) to insert the 3rd party symbols, the symbols are automatically
    scaled to the scale factor of my drawing. But when I insert my own symbols,
    I have to specify the scale factor. All symbols are drawn at 1 to 1.

    What do I need to do to get my symbols to automatically scale to the drawing
    scale factor like the 2rd party symbols??


    Tom Parks, Aug 20, 2004
  2. Tom Parks

    spectrefish Guest

    Are you inserting your blocks from off of a tool pallete? If not, create a new tool pallete with all of your blocks on it and try inserting your blocks from that. When I insert blocks off my custom tool palletes, they are to scale.
    spectrefish, Aug 20, 2004
  3. Tom Parks

    Tom Parks Guest

    Yes I am inserting my custom blocks off a tool pallet, same with the 3rd
    party blocks.

    a new tool pallete with all of your blocks on it and try inserting your
    blocks from that. When I insert blocks off my custom tool palletes, they
    are to scale.
    Tom Parks, Aug 20, 2004
  4. Tom Parks

    Tom Parks Guest

    already tried taht one, all the blocks are at a scale of 1.

    What if I recreated the blocks and made them unitless, would this solve the

    select properties. This will bring up a properties window for whatever
    block you just selected. On the properties window it should have all the
    info for that particular block. Name, file location, SCALE, etc. etc.
    Tom Parks, Aug 20, 2004
  5. Tom Parks

    spectrefish Guest

    OK try this: with your tool pallete up right-click on each block and select properties. This will bring up a properties window for whatever block you just selected. On the properties window it should have all the info for that particular block. Name, file location, SCALE, etc. etc.

    Make sure the scale says 1.

    Hope this helps.
    spectrefish, Aug 20, 2004
  6. Tom Parks

    Tom Parks Guest

    Well, making the block unitless and trying to save it caused AutoCAD to
    crash, guess that is not the solution :).
    Tom Parks, Aug 20, 2004
  7. Tom Parks

    jonesr Guest

    Multiple Palettes (v4 I think is the latest) by Chip Harper. Look in the
    customer-files group. Speed search in Google groups (multiple palettes chip
    jonesr, Aug 20, 2004
  8. Tom Parks

    Tom Parks Guest

    I figured it out, when making the block, they need to be in Feet Units, then
    they scale into the drawings correctly.

    Now I have the pleasant task of redoing all my standard blocks.
    Tom Parks, Aug 20, 2004
  9. That is also true when using DesignCenter to insert blocks... so your
    efforts will pay off.
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Aug 22, 2004
  10. Tom Parks

    Tom Parks Guest

    Well, I only thought I had it figured out, the blocks I thought were
    scaling right, are not at the right scale, and it only scales them at some
    scale factors, but not all. What am I doing wrong here?
    Tom Parks, Aug 23, 2004
  11. Tracy W. Lincoln, Aug 24, 2004
  12. Have another go. Especially if you had a number of files open. AutoCAD
    sometimes seems to have a problem with disk access like this when you have
    lots of files open.

    It does sound like a units problem though. They're not 25.4 times too big
    (or too small) ny any chance?

    Daniel J. Ellis, Aug 27, 2004
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