Inserting and plotting graphic help wanted

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jon Endres, PE, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. In ACAD 2000i (actually, LDDT 2i) I am having a bit of a problem with
    graphics. I create survey or site maps, and they plot fine. I take a small
    site location map, save it to Clipboard, and insert it as an Image Entity in
    the drawing (in paperspace). That will plot fine as well. However, I
    recently ran into a problem where I needed to transfer the drawing in its'
    entirety to another surveyor,and the image entity did not accompany the
    drawing, as it seems to reside in a temp file with a link to the file in the
    drawing. I also can't see the image, only a box with a temp file name in
    it, when I look at the drawing on another workstation.

    How do I get a JPG or other image file to become a permanent part of a
    drawing file, and be able to resize it and move it around so that it does
    not lose the aspect ratio?
    Jon Endres, PE, Jan 3, 2004
  2. Jon Endres, PE

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Images in AutoCAD are treated in similar fashion to External References
    (XRefs). You must supply the main file as well as all of the referenced
    files when you transmit a project to others. There's a tool called eTransmit
    that will assist you in making up the package.
    Paul Turvill, Jan 4, 2004
  3. Jon Endres, PE

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    There is something I would like to add:
    Images are much like XREFs in that they are attached and referenced and are
    not really part of your drawing. When you keep images in a separate folder
    than your drawings, it works pretty well until you want to share your
    drawings with other businesses. If this sounds like you, then you need to
    do one of two things. Either you tell the other party exactly where the
    image you send has to go, or you remove the saved path and place the image
    in the same folder as the referencing drawing. Do that, and your surveyor
    friends should have much less problem seeing the image in your drawing.
    Take care
    Bill DeShawn, Jan 7, 2004
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