Inserting a new sheet in a drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pevans, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. pevans

    pevans Guest

    Is there any way of inserting a new sheet in a multi sheet drawing somewhere
    in the middle, not the end as is the default, and get the following sheets
    to renumber themselves?
    pevans, Feb 18, 2005
  2. the left column where you have all your sheets layout. The
    last sheet you insert will be at the bottom. Select the last sheet
    with your mouse while holding down the right click. While holding
    down the right click, drag and drop the sheet where you want to place
    the sheet. If you have the title block sheet assign the page number
    automatically, the sheet should change like sheet 1 or 6.
    justmeyouknow, Feb 18, 2005
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