Inserting a + in DTEXT

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lee7598, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. lee7598

    lee7598 Guest

    I am looking for a routine that will allow me to window multiple text blocks and insert a +(plus) in between the second and third digit from the right, for example: 4+00, 150+00, 156+96.36, etc. Sometimes there is a decimal, other times there is not. If anyone could offer some suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
    lee7598, Jun 2, 2004
  2. lee7598

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Here ya go..... it even checks and corrects for numbers less than 100 (
    15.00 -> 0+15.00, 3.9 -> 0+03.9) and removes any commas that may exist.


    (defun c:txt2sta (/ DECIMAL DOC NEWTXT POST+ PRE+ SS TXT)
    (if (ssget '((0 . "TEXT")))
    (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument
    ss (vla-get-activeselectionset doc)
    (vla-startundomark doc)
    (vlax-for x ss
    (setq txt (vla-get-textstring x))
    (if (wcmatch txt "*`,*")
    (setq txt (vl-list->string
    (vl-remove (ascii ",")
    (vl-string->list txt))))
    (if (setq decimal (vl-string-position (ascii ".") txt 0))
    (cond ((= 2 decimal)(setq txt (strcat "0" txt)
    decimal (1+ decimal)))
    ((= 1 decimal)(setq txt (strcat "00" txt)
    decimal (+ 2 decimal)))
    ((= 0 decimal)(setq txt (strcat "000" txt)
    decimal (+ 3 decimal)))
    (setq pre+ (substr txt 1 (- decimal 2))
    post+ (substr txt (- decimal 1))
    newtxt (strcat pre+ "+" post+)
    (cond ((= 2 (strlen txt))(setq txt (strcat "0" txt)))
    ((= 1 (strlen txt))(setq txt (strcat "00" txt)))
    (setq pre+ (substr txt 1 (- (strlen txt) 2))
    post+ (substr txt (- (strlen txt) 1))
    newtxt (strcat pre+ "+" post+)
    (vla-put-textstring x newtxt)
    blocks and insert a +(plus) in between the second and third digit from the
    right, for example: 4+00, 150+00, 156+96.36, etc. Sometimes there is a
    decimal, other times there is not. If anyone could offer some suggestions
    it would be greatly appreciated.
    Jeff Mishler, Jun 2, 2004
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