I'm writing a custom symbol insert routine and have run into a bit of a problem which I'm somebody may be able to help me with. When I use PAUSE in the insert command to get the insert position, my symbol is ghosted on the end of the cursor but depending on the drawing scale, it views at different sizes. All my symbols are drawn based on a 10x10 square and scaled when inserted to suit the drawing scale. The problem is that when the ghost image is put on the cursor, it is the original sized version that is shown which then displays at the correct size when inserted. At the moment, I have got around this by inserting the block in the centre of the screen and then doing a move entlast. This gets around the problem but looks a bit clumsy. Is there any better way to get around this ghost image problem. I considered changing the sizes of my symbols but this would work against me when working at smaller scales and leave me in the same position. All ideas gratefully appreciated.