Insert -> Mirror Components question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bill allemann, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. When you do the mirror copy components procedure, there is a check box
    asking about recreating mates in the assembly.
    Is this some type of inside humor, or is there some way to get swx to really
    do this?
    The way I understand the description of the feature, I would expect the
    mates on the original components to be recreated on the mirror copies. I
    think I once got this to work on a couple primitive blocks in a 2 piece
    assembly, but I don't remember ever seeing a mate recreated on a mirror
    component in an real assembly.
    I also remember seeing quite a bit on this in the wish list a few years
    Any suggestions on use of this feature?

    bill allemann, Jun 23, 2006
  2. I also experienced problems with mirrored assemblies. Being a X-MDT user
    and having to compensate for feature obsessions, I wrote a SW procedure with
    a similar concept to compensate for SW's mirrored mates obsessions or lack
    of determining the same but opposite logic. It works quite well with an
    unlimited number parts and automatically updates the opposite version. The
    thing it does well is solid space R.H. and L.H. concept with weldment
    fabrication, but works well with assemblies also. The thing it does poorly
    is BOM recognition for those mirror parts (descriptions and numbers).

    If this is what you require, I could send you the full procedure when I
    return to work on 6-27. It's really quite simple, but I want to make sure I
    fully give all the information.

    Keith Streich, Jun 23, 2006
  3. bill allemann

    Nev Williams Guest

    Recreating mates when mirroring parts has been a "feature" of Solidworks for
    It has never worked for years ................!!
    It's been a waste of time for years.
    Nev Williams, Jun 23, 2006
  4. bill allemann

    Reaper2561 Guest

    Hey Keith,

    If you feel like sharing it with me also, I would appreciate it.

    Reaper2561, Jun 23, 2006

  5. Sounds like you could put on a presentation at SW World or one of the
    regional summits. I'm sure you would get a lot of interest if you did. Put
    it on in Seattle and I'll go!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 24, 2006
  6. bill allemann

    Ed Guest


    And all this time I thought that it was just me doing something wrong
    with mirroring. I would also be interested in seeing a copy of your

    Thanks in advance,

    Ed, Jun 24, 2006
  7. Well at least it's comforting to see that the problem wasn't just me.
    Has anyone ever communicated directly with a swx representative on this
    It seems a rather blatant misrepresentation to say that this feature is
    functional, given how long it has been.

    bill allemann, Jun 24, 2006
  8. Sounds good to read it. Haven't followed along yet in swx.
    Have you ever delivered a model file like this to a customer and had to
    splain the procedure to them?
    Thanks, Bill
    bill allemann, Jun 28, 2006
  9. No just internal stuff, we don't send much to the outside world. Most of
    our customers/vendors are still in ACAD, so PDF's and DWG's are all the
    want. The last thing I usually want is to have our stuff modified outside
    Keith Streich, Jun 28, 2006
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