I am building a library of standard blocks to insert in my drawings. At the end I extract the atributes and create a parts list of all elements (blocks) in the drawing. The different blocks are connected with lines. One of the elements I am strugling with is this simple line. I want to attach a block name to line unit line (1 unit) and when I insert it I should be able to snap to start point and snap to an end point under any angle. When I extract the attibutes I would than like to get the length of each line instead in the drawing. Any body who can help me on my way. I have been reading up on dynamic blocks and I have been doing some excercises with desks and chairs and phones etc. Althoug useful, this is not exactly what I am looking for. Maybe I can do something similar with a line but I could not get this to work exactly as I need. Thanks for your time.