insert feature driven pattern in assy SW05sp5

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neilscad, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    hey ho
    I have a late night revelation to share..
    I was trying to add a feature driven pattern using a curve driven
    pattern for the feature and it just didn't work!
    Out of curiousity I tried a scenario of table, circular, linear
    patterns and they all work... but curves no go. All I got was a
    message 'cant find position' or such.
    Is this an undocumented limitation, a bug, or something added in a
    later version??
    I even created a very simple example thinking there was something
    peculiar about the geometry but, no, still fails to insert every which
    I can do this manually so not a show stopper but this was news to me...
    neilscad, Jul 21, 2007
  2. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    ok well I did some archive searching this subject afternoon.. and it
    seems SW doesnt do this yet...although it was one of the 10 requests
    at SWW06.
    Still waiting I guess..not in 08 either apparently :eek:(
    If the help notes and advisory message havent been changed yet maybe
    someone on subs could submit a request for them to be updated so
    people dont waste their time trying ;o)
    neilscad, Jul 21, 2007
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