Insert Component-Part not showing in graphics window before placing it

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Charney, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. Has anybody experienced a problem with components not showing up when
    being inserted into an assembly but prior to actually placing the

    I go to insert a component, I browse to find the part file, click
    open, drag my pointer into the graphics window and the part isn't
    showing up at all. I can click anywhere to place the part and then it
    will show up after I place into the assembly.

    Graphic preview is turned on and it does not show. I've tried turning
    graphics preview off and then back on, but it does nothing. The other
    strange thing is that it's only happening in this assembly. I can open
    a new or any other assembly that has already been started and I don't
    have this problem.

    I've pretty much concluded that it can't be a system setting since new
    and other existing assemblies work just fine. As far as document
    settings, there isn't anything that I can see that would affect this.

    Does anybody have any suggestions on what to look for that might be
    causing this problem?

    Thanks for all your help in advance,
    Richard Charney, Feb 16, 2004
  2. I don't believe it is a problem. For some reason SW decided you don't need
    a graphic preview when inserting an item from that direction. If you open
    the part and drag it from it's own window or add it's path to the feature
    palette you could get the preview.
    Corey Scheich, Feb 16, 2004
  3. I've seen this before and it's incredibly irritating if you're trying
    to use smart mates because you can't see if the bolt (or whatever) is
    being placed correctly. Unfortunately I have no idea why it works
    sometimes and not others. I'd love to see a solution too.

    Eric Zuercher, Feb 16, 2004
  4. SW2004 SP2.1, sorry I didn't add this info in the initial post.
    Richard Charney, Feb 17, 2004
  5. I just tried inserting a 2003 part into 2004 assy in the manner discussed
    and it previewed SP0.0
    I have never had it work in 2003 at all.
    Corey Scheich, Feb 17, 2004
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