Insert Blocks problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bill a, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. bill a

    bill a Guest

    this is probably a dumb question, but i've never used Blocks before.
    saved a sketch as a block and i can insert the block into a drawing.
    in order to select the block (to drag-move it, whatever), it seems that
    the insertion of the block had to be done with the sheet active rather than
    the view. If the view was active when the block-> insert was done,
    i can't select the block to do anything with it. the block instances
    near the top of the FM, and i can select them there to delete, edit, etc.
    Can a block be related to a drawing view (so it moves with the view) or am i
    doing something wrong?
    I couldn't find anything in the help file that discussed the view/sheet
    activity when inserting blocks.

    using sw2004sp4.1
    bill a, Jan 19, 2005
  2. Not sure just what is going on. I just tried it with SP5.0 and I could
    always select the block. If I tied it to the view, it moved with it. If
    not, it didn't. Either way, I can always select it.

    Try documenting and posting the exact step by step procedure - maybe we can
    spot something.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 19, 2005
  3. bill a

    CS Guest

    2004 SP4.2 here and it seems to work like I would expect.
    Try RMB on view and select Lock View Focus
    then insert your block.

    Now when you move the view it should move the block with it just like
    dimensions work.

    If you want to get a block that seems to be behind a view.
    RMB in a blank part of the sheet and select Lock Sheet Focus. you should be
    able to select the blocks now.

    You might be able to move it out from under the view and unlock the focus
    and SHIFT drag the block onto a view.

    CS, Jan 19, 2005
  4. Oh, maybe that's the issue - it's not tied to the view, but yet behind the
    view. So, either hide the view or drag it out of the way, then grab the

    Hmm, I just tried putting a block on the sheet and then dragging a view over
    the top of it - I was still able to grab the block.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 19, 2005
  5. bill a

    CS Guest

    I know that depending on what you have in a block it may be harder to
    select. I have one that is only text and when the text is blank it is a bit
    harder to find the right spot to grab it from.

    CS, Jan 19, 2005
  6. bill a

    bill a Guest

    1. created new view from model.
    2. Insert -> Block (cursor in screen area of view , dynamic view
    activation option on)
    3. Block appears within view. Block moves along with movement of the
    view itself.
    4. Cannot drag block to move it. Cursor doesn't react to any block
    entities. Entities of model are selectable in normal manner.
    5. If I window around the entire block, a "Block Instance" list comes up
    in the FM area.

    Could layers be involved here? Block Instance shows "none" in the Layer
    field. I created the block in the same
    drawing that I'm working with now.

    bill a, Jan 19, 2005
  7. bill a

    CS Guest

    Interesting! It works just fine exactly as you described on sp 4.2. Either
    it was something that got fixed in the next SP since you are on 4.1 or there
    is some setting causing this. I had this happen a while ago and thought it
    was a bug for a bit then I called my var and found out it was a setting that
    had accidently gotten turned on. What my problem was was I wanted to do a
    cutout section of a view and the sketch wasn't selectable ended up being
    that the sketch wasn't getting drawn on the correct view. Unfortunately I
    don't recall the exact setting that was causing the problem.

    CS, Jan 19, 2005
  8. bill a

    bill a Guest

    I just created a fresh empty drawing from an existing template I use all the
    and the block worked like it should. I had created a view with a simple
    unrelated to the project with the problem.
    I guess I'll compare options, etc from this new test drawing to the one with
    problem and see if I can pin down the difference. I thought the problem
    was created from the same template, but I'm not totally sure.
    If I find something specific, I'll post the result.
    thanks for your time.
    bill a, Jan 19, 2005
  9. bill a

    bill a Guest

    On the fresh drawing I spoke of before, where the block select worked, I was
    able to recreate the
    problem by putting the view mode into "Hidden Lines Visible". I can
    toggle the problem on and off by
    switching between HLR to HLV.
    Can anyone else repeat this, or does this occur in sw2005? (haven't
    switched yet).

    bill a, Jan 19, 2005
  10. bill a

    CS Guest

    I did a quick test and it still seems to work fine. Maybe I am doing
    something wrong. Is your block completely contained by the view border?
    CS, Jan 20, 2005
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