Insert Blocks problem (in drawing) sw06sp4

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bill allemann, May 10, 2006.

  1. I have a drawing view in which I've previous used some blocks, but now I
    don't seem to have the function available.
    The blocks toolbar is greyed out.
    The menu Tools > Blocks has only Make, New, & Edit.
    I've tried locking the view focus, no effect.

    The help file only discusses blocks in the context of sketches and makes no
    mention of usage in drawings.

    I have rarely used blocks, so please excuse if I'm forgetting something
    bill allemann, May 10, 2006
  2. Insert/Annotations/Block
    Or, you can find it on the Annotations toolbar.

    The block toolbar is used for editing, etc. existing block definitions.

    You can find help at "blocks, insert". Let us know if you need more help.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 10, 2006
  3. thanks, that did the trick.
    regarding blocks, I wish they would consolidate help and interface stuff to
    one place.
    bill allemann, May 11, 2006
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