insert block or note into all sheets of a dwg in the same location?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Apr 12, 2004.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Hi All,

    I've been working a large project for a client. Near the end now and I'm
    looking at 9 10+ pg drawings and about 20 2 page drawings. I've belatedly
    realized a deficiency in my rev code documentation! Because of the way
    these drawings are being distributed I need to insert a note that contains
    3 file properties but I need that note on every page of every drawings in
    the same place...

    I've made a block of the note but that's about it. I thought I would seek
    professional help first. ie: existing macros or other automated


    Zander, Apr 12, 2004
  2. Here is some code that I have used it isn't my best work I was just learning
    when I wrote it and I didn't do great error handling. It will get you
    started anyway.

    'this function will insert the block at a location
    'depending on which template is used
    Function insertBlock() As SldWorks.BlockDefinition

    Dim x As Double
    Dim y As Double
    Dim Bscale As Double
    Dim RevLev As Object
    Dim RLX As Double
    Dim RLY As Double
    Dim RLHeight As Double
    Dim RevLevTxt As String
    Dim SheetSize As String
    Dim blockDef As SldWorks.BlockDefinition
    Dim MyBlock As SldWorks.BlockInstance

    SheetSize = LCase(Right(sheet.GetTemplateName, 8))

    Select Case SheetSize
    Case "a.slddrt"
    x = 4.33 * 0.0254 'dimension in inches comvert to metric
    y = 0.2 * 0.0254
    Bscale = 1
    RLX = 10.36 * 0.0254
    RLY = 8.05 * 0.0254
    RLHeight = 0.187 * 0.0254
    Case "b.slddrt"
    x = 8 * 0.0254 'dimension in inches comvert to metric
    y = 0.25 * 0.0254
    Bscale = 1
    RLX = 13.81 * 0.0254
    RLY = 10.7 * 0.0254
    RLHeight = 0.187 * 0.0254
    Case "c.slddrt"
    x = 8.66 * 0.0254 'dimension in inches comvert to metric
    y = 0.4 * 0.0254
    Bscale = 2
    RLX = 10.36 * 2 * 0.0254
    RLY = 8.05 * 2 * 0.0254
    RLHeight = 0.187 * 2 * 0.0254
    Case Else
    x = 0 * 0.0254 'dimension in inches comvert to metric
    y = 0 * 0.0254
    Bscale = 1
    RLX = 10.36 * 0.0254
    RLY = 8.05 * 0.0254
    RLHeight = 0.187 * 0.0254
    End Select
    PathName = swApp.GetCurrentMacroPathName
    PathOnly = Mid(PathName, 1, InStr(1, PathName, "A CHANGE.swp") - 2)
    'dwgdoc.InsertNewNote2 RevLev, "", True, False, swNO_ARROWHEAD,
    swLS_SMART, 0#, swBS_None, swBF_Tightest, 0, 0
    'insert a revision level note.
    If RevLev Is Nothing Then
    RevLevTxt = ""
    Set RevLev = dwgdoc.CreateText2(RevLevTxt, RLX, RLY, 0, RLHeight, 0)
    RevLev.SetName "Revision Level"
    End If

    Set MyBlock = dwgdoc.insertBlock(PathOnly + "\A Change.SLDBLK", x, y,
    0#, Bscale)
    'set all text to an empty string
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "TOP LETTER", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "TOP DESC", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "TOP DATE", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "MID LETTER", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "MID DESC", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "MID DATE", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "BOT LETTER", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "BOT DESC", ""
    MyBlock.SetAttributeValue "BOT DATE", ""

    Set blockDef = dwgdoc.GetBlockDefinition("A CHANGE")

    If blockDef Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "There was a problem finding the block." &
    VBA.Chr(vbKeyReturn) & _
    "Make sure " & VBA.Chr(34) & "A Change.SLDBLK" & VBA.Chr(34)
    & "is in the same directory as this macro."
    End If
    Set insertBlock = blockDef

    End Function

    'this will update the fields of the block with the text typed into the form
    Public Sub UpdateBlock(BlockName As SldWorks.BlockInstance)

    BlockName.SetAttributeValue "TOP DESC", RevisionForm.Description1.Text
    BlockName.SetAttributeValue "TOP DATE", RevisionForm.Date1.Text
    BlockName.SetAttributeValue "MID DESC", RevisionForm.Description2.Text
    BlockName.SetAttributeValue "MID DATE", RevisionForm.Date2.Text
    BlockName.SetAttributeValue "BOT DESC", RevisionForm.Description3.Text
    BlockName.SetAttributeValue "BOT DATE", RevisionForm.Date3.Text

    End Sub
    Corey Scheich, Apr 12, 2004
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