Insert block example

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Guest, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Would someone be so kind as to post, or send me, a working example of
    a VBA project that will insert a block? I would like to have a base
    to work from for making my own, which I will gladly share.

    Thanks, Todd
    Guest, Sep 7, 2004
  2. Guest

    nthgg Guest

    Well here's a code snippet that should give you an idea on how to insert a block:

    Sub InsertBlock()
    Dim MyBlock As AcadBlockReference
    Dim insPoint As Variant

    insPoint = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select An Insertion point")
    Set MyBlock = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(insPoint, "C:\New Block.dwg", 1, 1, 1, 0)
    End Sub

    I really hope that this executes just fine. Coz i just coded that in my mind... cheers

    Paul June A. Domag
    nth geographics and geometrics
    nthgg, Sep 7, 2004
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