Insert a logo

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Peter, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. Peter

    Peter Guest

    Does anyone know if ProE WF2 can insert and display a picture onto a
    surface of a model.
    The picture is a logo in jpg, tiff or whatever and they want it on the
    side of one of the surfaces on a part model.
    I can insert it in the Drawings but not in the model.
    Appreciate any help in how to do it.
    Peter, Dec 16, 2005
  2. Peter

    David Janes Guest

    Yes, you can put logos on the surface of parts. It's a two step process: first
    create an appearance with the appearance editor ('View>Color and Appearance'),
    save it to a file with the File menu, then point to it in (if you plan
    to reuse it) with pro_colormap_path; second, you must select the appearance,
    select the surfaces to apply it to and click Apply.

    - Creating the appearance to include a logo requires using the Map tab at the
    bottom of the Appearance editor. You can do this with an existing "color" or go to
    the top, pick Material>New, give it a descriptive name where it says ref_color*.
    From there, you can give it an actual color under the Basic tab by picking on the
    existing color (you get a color wheel to pick from). Then, go to Map, click in the
    square panel to activate graphic file selection. If you have stuff in all three,
    click the check box to select one of them. Don't know what each of the three
    appearance types are for (bump, texture, decal) unless they exist just to organize
    different types of appearances because it doesn't seem that one must be used with
    ..BMP files and another with .IGS and another with .JPG. Each seems to be able to
    use the same formats as the other. But, with Pro/e and its proprietary use of
    graphics, it's hard to speak definitively.
    - When you are ready to apply the graphic, make sure the Assignment input area is
    expanded. In thge type drop-down, select Surfaces, click the start select arrow
    and pick the surfaces you want to apply the appearance to. If more than one, hold
    down the Ctrl key to accumulate selections. Or pick shift next surface to do seed
    and boundary. Other types are available such as All Surfaces or Quilts. (NB: decal
    application doesn't with the Part type.) When finished with selection, click
    How and what do you manage to insert in the drawing? This was the thing I always
    thought was the most difficult.
    David Janes, Dec 18, 2005
  3. Peter

    Peter Guest

    Thank you for the very well explained description on how to add a logo
    to a part surface.
    It worked like a charm. I appreciate the effort involved.
    As far as my claim to be able to add a logo to a drawing, I can ----
    but it is a bit clunky, maybe you you know a more elegant method.
    I INSERT an OBJECT and choose the option CREATE FROM FILE then I choose
    a Photoshop image and scale it to suit, then drag it into position.

    Peter, Dec 19, 2005
  4. Peter

    David Janes Guest

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: David Janes
    Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:32 PM
    Subject: Re: Insert a logo

    Yes, you can put logos on the surface of parts. It's a two step process: first
    create an appearance with the appearance editor ('View>Color and Appearance'),
    save it to a file with the File menu, then point to it in (if you plan
    to reuse it) with pro_colormap_path; second, you must select the appearance,
    select the surfaces to apply it to and click Apply.

    - Creating the appearance to include a logo requires using the Map tab at the
    bottom of the Appearance editor. You can do this with an existing "color" or go to
    the top, pick Material>New, give it a descriptive name where it says ref_color*.
    From there, you can give it an actual color under the Basic tab by picking on the
    existing color (you get a color wheel to pick from). Then, go to Map, click in the
    square panel to activate graphic file selection. If you have stuff in all three,
    click the check box to select one of them. Don't know what each of the three
    appearance types are for (bump, texture, decal) unless they exist just to organize
    different types of appearances because it doesn't seem that one must be used with
    ..BMP files and another with .IGS and another with .JPG. Each seems to be able to
    use the same formats as the other. But, with Pro/e and its proprietary use of
    graphics, it's hard to speak definitively.
    - When you are ready to apply the graphic, make sure the Assignment input area is
    expanded. In thge type drop-down, select Surfaces, click the start select arrow
    and pick the surfaces you want to apply the appearance to. If more than one, hold
    down the Ctrl key to accumulate selections. Or pick shift next surface to do seed
    and boundary. Other types are available such as All Surfaces or Quilts. (NB: decal
    application doesn't with the Part type.) When finished with selection, click
    How and what do you manage to insert in the drawing? This was the thing I always
    thought was the most difficult.
    David Janes, Dec 19, 2005
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