(InfoSnapV8) -- the latest Update is available for free download

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Chris Zakrewsky, Nov 23, 2003.

  1. Hi everybody,

    The latest edition of InfoSnap is waiting for you and is now better than ever.
    Beside mandatory bug fixes, some things which didn't made it to release 1.0 are finally here.

    Some examples:

    - New Toggle for rotation angles of referenced models: "Ref. Rotation". You're gonna like it!

    - Cleaned up reporting of angles: zero angle (i.e. no rotation) is no longer reported by default
    (this can be changed by using a new option: 'Report zero-angles' in "Settings 1" tab)

    - Added a Right-Click menu to "Toggles" tab to select/unselect all Toggles with one click

    - Updated Help files

    - Added Clipboard awareness

    - Added new property to each Toggle: "Copy to Windows Clipboard". This capacity must be enabled for
    Toggles which are allowed to access Windows Clipboard.

    - Expanded Right-Click menu in InfoSnap main popup to allow updating Windows Clipboard with data
    from Toggles which have this capacity enabled:

    "Activate Actions" - same as Insert-key or 'Rubber Stamp' icon
    "Update Clipboard" - copy selected information to ClipBoard (only one Toggle)

    - Added new keyins for administration of Clipboard capacity in Toggles

    - Changed: "Level Name"-Toggle accepts key-ins now

    - Added new functionality to keyins associated with Toggles: whenever the keyin needs a datapoint
    in the view where the last snap was issued, use zero-view as argument to SELVIEW keyin: SELVIEW 0

    Example of action string turning off the level display in the view where you snapped to element, ("Level
    Name"-toggle assumed):

    LV=Default;set levels off %;selview 0

    And so forth...

    O Docs: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/InfoSnap.htm
    O Download: http://www.ustation.se
    O Release notes: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/Sordid.TXT

    Finally, special thanks to a few brave test-pilots who offered some of their time to perform the last-minute
    testing of this release: ThomasV., Chuck L., Corné van Z., Brad H. and Jamey W.

    Yours sincerely,

    /Chris Zakrewsky
    Team uStation AB
    Chris Zakrewsky, Nov 23, 2003
  2. Chris Zakrewsky

    Bill Dickens Guest


    Are you reporting the X,Y,Z angles of the model for each view??

    Where? Chan you change them accurately?
    Bill Dickens, Nov 26, 2003
  3. Chris Zakrewsky

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Hummm, hummmmm, hummmmmmm...

    Did you set up coupled rotations??? huh, huh, hunnnnnh?
    Bill Dickens, Nov 26, 2003
  4. Are you reporting the X,Y,Z angles of the model for each view??

    InfoSnap reports rotation angles of a reference model versus active model.

    With regard to reporting the view rotation... no one asked for it before.

    /Chris Z.
    Chris Zakrewsky, Nov 26, 2003
  5. Hummm, hummmmm, hummmmmmm...
    Cough mixture?
    Chris Zakrewsky, Nov 26, 2003
  6. Chris Zakrewsky

    Bill Dickens Guest

    No, just old age...

    I doubt that you can do it... ;-)
    Bill Dickens, Nov 27, 2003
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