(InfoSnapV8) -- Release 1.0.3 -- available for download

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Chris Zakrewsky, Jan 18, 2004.

  1. Hi guys & gals,

    I think we are about to reach the perfection with regard to what was aimed for 1.0.x release.
    A couple of bug fixes and a brand new means of presenting numerical output is all I had in mind
    this time.

    Download: http://www.ustation.se
    Release Notes: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/Sordid.TXT
    On-Line Docs: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/InfoSnap.htm

    Please, don't forget the bugs. They will not report to me all by themselves. You must report them to me ;-)

    Maintenance Update 1.0.3 -- 18 Jan 2004


    - Corrected bug with incorrect labeling of angle quadrant for toggles: 'Around X-axis', 'Around Y-axis',
    and 'Around Z-axis'.

    - Corrected bug affecting stability of InfoSnap when MS_TMP was pointing to a directory path which
    was not terminated with a backslash (discovered first by James D. Weisgram & Michael R. Maley).


    - Added new 'Arc Tang. Dist.'-toggle (arcs tangent distance) to main popup (this addition is mostly
    intended for folks from survey and road design).

    - Added user key-in: INFOSNAP LENGTHSCALE value unit

    Where 'value' is any value by which the measured length should be multiplied
    Where 'unit' is any text string which will be used as the unit name

    Example: your DGN Settings define 1 millimeter as the Master Unit. You want readout in infoSnap
    be presented in meters instead: INFOSNAP LENGTHSCALE 0.001 m

    - Added user key-in: INFOSNAP AREASCALE value unit

    Where 'value' is any value which will be squared and the measured area will be multiplied by it
    Where 'unit' is any text string which will be used as the unit name

    Example: your DGN Settings define 1 millimeter as the Master Unit. You want readout in infoSnap
    be presented in squared meters instead: INFOSNAP AREASCALE 0.001 m

    - Added user key-in: INFOSNAP VOLUMESCALE value unit

    (The description is analogic to AREASCALE and LENGTHSCALE above)

    * Note that simply giving the keyin: INFOSNAP SCALE value unit
    will set all three scales to the same value.

    - Added user key-in: INFOSNAP DECIMALS number

    Where 'number' is a number of decimal places in floating point value (i.e. precision). Note that
    specifying this setting will force InfoSnap to use Master Units for all SCALEd output.

    * Note that simply giving the keyin: INFOSNAP DECIMALS
    will reset the format to whatever was defined in MicroStation's current DGN coordinate readout

    NOTE: all above SCALE settings are only available via key-ins and are NOT persistent
    (i.e. they are not saved between sessions).
    Chris Zakrewsky, Jan 18, 2004
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