(InfoSnapV8) - Beta 5k - continuing a major overhaul

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Chris Zakrewsky, Jul 27, 2003.

  1. Hi friends,

    The first part of face-lifting (B5j) disturbed the mud and several issues which surfaced the daylight
    have been adressed in the B5k update. Consider it a must if you have B5j.

    Other fun stuff in short goes here:

    Beta Update 5k -- 26 July 2003

    - Added 'Swap fonts' setting to the right-click menu in InfoSnap popup.

    - Improved 'Single Bump'-feature: it will now respect 'Dbl.bump left/right/bottom edge' settings
    and use them when deciding whether to nuke InfoSnap popup on single bump or not.

    - Added a new variable: INFOSNAP_TEXTEDITOR. If defined it should contain the name of the applet you
    want to use for editing the DoubleBump settings file. If not defined, it will default to NOTEPAD

    - Added 'Level Slot' (i.e. internal level id) to toggles compatible with AccuSnap balloon.

    - Added a bunch of keyins (yes, really!)

    - Fixed bug causing incorrect file type being reported in MicroStation's main title bar. InfoSnap
    reported original file format, not the current one (discovered first by Chuck Rheault). Now it will
    report both formats.

    - Fixed bug making reusing of 'ByLevel' and 'ByCell' element attributes impossible (discovered first by
    Jeffrey Malter). Reporting of 'ByLevel' and 'ByCell' in AccuSnap balloon is improved as well.

    - Changed: color, weight and style are no longer reported for Cell Headers (this should lessen the
    confusion about those somehow meaningless 0-values in cell headers).

    - Fixed bug which made AccuSnap balloon output dependent on whether a particular toggle was shown in
    main InfoSnap popup (i.e. the old, pre-B4j hierarchical dependency of those settings was erroneously
    maintained in B5j).

    - Fixed bug introduced in B5j -- if sort order of toggles in InfoSnap popup has been changed, controlling
    their on/off status in Toggles list became unreliable after a while. Sorry for this mishap.

    - If SYNCHBYLEVEL Select enhancement is installed, there will be a warning written to Message Center
    each time SYNCHBYLEVEL circumvents snatching data from the InfoSnap popup. If you don't want SYNCHBYLEVEL
    to interfere with InfoSnap, make sure that you have the Level Name and Number being defined AFTER the Color,
    Weight and Style in InfoSnap Toggles tab (only then they take precedence over all SYNCHBYLEVEL overrides).

    - Updated help files again

    (You can tell I have vacations, no?)

    Consider this update being the Release Candidate for InfoSnapV8 1.0

    Docs: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/InfoSnap.htm

    Release notes: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/Sordid.TXT
    Free download: http://www.ustation.se

    Very best regards,

    /Chris Zakrewsky
    Team uStation AB

    PS: Big thanks to Jeffrey Malter who played the role of crash test dummy during last few days
    and whose incredibly well written and well structured test reports made this update being so
    extensive and successfully completed during very short period of time.
    Chris Zakrewsky, Jul 27, 2003
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