(InfoSnapV8) - Beta 5j - a major overhaul

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Chris Zakrewsky, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Hi friends,

    Some serious face-lifting was due this time and I hope that all of you will find it useful ;-)
    Docs got refreshed as well.

    In short:

    Beta Update 5j -- 22 July 2003

    - Entirely changed the way you can control data visibility in the AccuSnap popup. The new system
    is much more like the control system for data visibility in the InfoSnap popup. Two radio buttons
    under the Toggles list select the target data set. Check boxes in the left column control visibility.

    - Replaced the old and crude control of label visibility in the AccuSnap popup. The old toggle:
    'Labels in A.S. balloon' is scrapped and a brand new system (accessible through Edit Toggle dialog
    box) allows definition of label visibility on by-item basis.

    - Added a setting for enhancing MicroStation's (utterly ascetic) title bar.

    - Added preventive detection of potentially dangerous MS_DGNAPPS configurations. Actually it is a
    work-around for a bug in MicroStation handling of applications with MVBA components (discovered
    first by Jamey White). In some cases even if you don't have any problems yet you may get the warning.
    Please adjust your MS_DGNAPPS configuration accordingly in order to avoid problems in the future.

    - Moved 'Complex components'-toggle from Settings to Toggles tab (users often lost track of the
    state of this toggle, so now this toggle is more visible and accessible).

    - Added exception reporting to 'Current state monitor'. Only the first and the last exception is reported.

    - Fixed bug causing incorrect coordinate readout if element was in reference file and the active
    file had a non-default Global Origin. Elements in active file reported correct coordinates though
    (discovered first by Chuck Rheault).

    - Fixed bug causing clipping off the last 2 characters (letters) whenever the vertical scroll bar was
    visible in InfoSnap popup (as reminded me lately by Jeffrey Malter).

    - Updated help files.

    Have a lot of fun!

    Docs: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/InfoSnap.htm

    Release notes: http://www.ustation.se/InfoSnapV8/Sordid.TXT
    Free download: http://www.ustation.se

    Very best regards,

    /Chris Zakrewsky
    Team uStation AB
    Chris Zakrewsky, Jul 22, 2003
  2. what I wouldn't do to have IS for my new software...

    But what would you do?
    And what is your new software?

    Just curious ;-)
    /Chris Z.
    Chris Zakrewsky, Jul 22, 2003
  3. Chris Zakrewsky

    chimp Guest

    I'd rip it off, claim all of the credit and sell it to all my fellow
    Lightwave users, and get rich very quick, especially the raisins and
    the hoover.

    I'm only using MS as a very powerful & expensive dgn to dxf converter
    these days...
    chimp, Jul 23, 2003
  4. Chris Zakrewsky

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Infosnap makes uStn the best, far and away.

    Too bad the Bentley's don't recognize this and empower Chris.

    Yet improvements are always needed, I can see several...

    Picked up a HP 48 recently and have to compare it with the 2x 41CVX.
    Clearly, the 48 is the reason that HP is out of the calculator business.

    It is far more powerful and far more complex than the 41. Very irritating!
    In fact, you virtually have to re-learn everything. It is much more clumsy,
    not having readily needed functions available instantly.

    Perhaps there is a lesson in all this. Complexify at risk! Garbled order
    kills all.

    All of my developments and suggestions come from an intense interest in

    Keith understands the danger of changing things drastically yet there is
    risk in that too.
    There must be progress given from ease.

    What Chris provided is ease at getting the information of an element and
    displaying rather than hiding important current settings. No peek-a-boo.

    This is exceedingly important, beyond emphasis, and boggling that some do
    not get it... yet some will never get anything.

    Old wives tales abound in the computer world too. And they hold things

    What I can't stand about infosnap is the inability to simply and easily
    reposition the tiny spreadsheet. And the button bar across the top should
    look modern, not like it's out of the 80's.

    Having said that, please reread my first sentence.

    Bill Dickens, Jul 27, 2003
  5. Chris Zakrewsky

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Geez, I hope you are not into ugly girls!
    "Cosmetics" makes just about all the difference...
    But talcum powder never! Cough, cough!! Phwew!

    Less lines more forms with gradients. Woz and company are staging a
    comeback with many things including cosmetics. Great cosmetics! Wouldn't
    mind having that large screen. Maybe View Sonic's is better, but not half
    as interesting.

    Functionality would call for activate all, and activate selected items, as
    well as looping out to a reference file and returning after a correction...
    and some indicator of this... that you have looped out.

    Gino's handles are magnificent in their simplicity, color and color
    gradients. His snap icons confuse and are downright ugly. He's got to
    perfect the compass.

    BTW Logitech's 8 button mouse might be many times better than the 5 button
    babies... someone needs to work it out. Might be something there for

    If you are setting up to give us coupled rotations with readouts in the
    title bars of each window, woa, WOW!

    Sooner or later you will have to look at my hypertools and perfect them.
    There is simply no need for all the nonsense in the tools. There really
    could be a very small set that does everything.

    Bill Dickens, Jul 27, 2003
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