? infosnap and file exchange

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by lane, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. lane

    lane Guest

    dear all,

    in the j version of infosnap I got very used to using tentative on a
    reference file, hitting the down arrow to highlight the reference slot
    and then using insert. In v8 I need to scroll down and double click
    the entry and home does not seem to get me back.

    I'm trying a few different things and going through the help but if
    someone could point me to some on-line answers it would be much


    lane, Oct 14, 2003
  2. Hi,

    1. You must enable "Automatic Activation" for this toggle (in Toggles tab).
    2. You must define the proper keystroke modifier in "Keyboard" option (in Settings tab).

    Let say you have defined 'Ctrl+key' as "Keyboard" option:
    Now 'Ctrl-Insert' will have the same effect as double-clicking in the list.
    'Ctrl-Home' will bring you back.


    /Chris Z.
    Chris Zakrewsky, Oct 14, 2003
  3. lane

    lane Guest

    Hi Chris,

    I think i'm almost there, i have put file name at the top of the list
    and set crtl-key as an option, however when i try to change the toggle
    the 'switch to target dgn file' is ghosted out so when i use
    ctrl-insert I get the file name pasted in because the keyin field has
    PLACE TEXT;% any suggestions?


    lane, Oct 15, 2003
  4. Hello Ashley,

    You could use Model Name instead,
    File Name doesn't work for file exchange.

    If you want to see which "toggles" can be used for exchange file,
    - dbl click on a name, if switch to target file is available you
    can use it for exchanging.

    If you want more information about Microstation I would
    make use of the newsgroups of Bentley.

    The name of the server is: news.viecon.com

    With Regards,

    Harry Stegeman
    Harry Stegeman, Oct 15, 2003
  5. Hi,

    Harry is correct.
    File name is somehow ambiguous way to define the target model because there
    can be several models embedded in a single V8 DGN file (V7 DGN files can
    have one and only one model). It's an interface thing -- the goal is that you should be
    able to predict what is the subject of the forthcoming action, at least to some degree...

    /Chris Z.
    Chris Zakrewsky, Oct 15, 2003
  6. lane

    lane Guest

    Got it.
    Thanks Harry/ Chris. I have subscribed to viecon as well, thanks for the tip.

    lane, Oct 16, 2003
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