Infinite length line lines

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by abc, May 17, 2005.

  1. abc

    abc Guest

    Just wondering if anybody uses these things? I haven't really had a
    situation where I needed them or thought I would use them. Not sure what
    they are good for. I think SW just added them to make the Acad users happy?
    abc, May 17, 2005
  2. abc

    TOP Guest

    I am still on 2004, but if I was on 2005 I am sure I could find some
    good uses for them in layout and design.
    TOP, May 17, 2005
  3. abc

    Malcontent Guest

    They are purely fluff to entice the acad crowd. Useless fluff....

    Southern California's Four Seasons:
    Earthquake, Mudslide, Brushfire, and Riot
    Malcontent, May 17, 2005
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