incrementing block along a polyline

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Rattray, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. John Rattray

    John Rattray Guest

    I need to run a block along (lots of ) polylines. The block is to
    denote every kilometre point. The block must also be aligned
    (perpendicular)to the polyline. This can be done using MEASURE.

    However, as I have lots of lines to do I would like the text in the
    block to automatically increment as the blocks run along the polyline.

    I have a lisp that increments text and I have a lisp that copies
    blocks along a polyline. I have tried combining bits of each but as I
    don't know LISP, I suspect I'll need a room full of monkeys sitting at
    keyboards to ever get it to work.

    Does anyone have such a lisp routine?


    John Rattray, Mar 1, 2004
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