Increasing rendering speed.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by modelsin3d, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. modelsin3d

    modelsin3d Guest

    I usually just test out my rendering first see how things will look,
    and then once I like what I see I crank up the juice. Not to the max,
    but turning on Indirect Illumination (ID) about 3 notches, Global
    Illumination (GI) is about 3 notches as well. I have Anit-Aliasing set
    to high as well as Ray tracing 5 and 4 for the respective fields.

    I am by no means expecting it to finish in less than an hour, but 10
    hours seems kind of crazy when it comes to one single render that
    isn't even to file, this is just to the screen. I am wondering what
    will speed up the time....

    - Processor, RAM, or Video Card.

    I am working with a 2.4 P4, and 512MB in RAM. Not the fastest thing on
    the block, but it does everything else well.

    I know that PW cannot be done as a render farm set up so the only other
    thing I can see is dual Processors and even then it seems like that
    will only increase by about 10-15%

    modelsin3d, Jun 10, 2005
  2. modelsin3d

    neil Guest

    I use Blender but for a reasonably large model or assy with a bells and
    whistles render it is fairly easy to use more than 1GB of both ram and page.
    if you load up the settings render times do climb rapidly into hours.
    perhaps you could do something simpler with the lighting at a smaller
    resolution... my practical 'nice' renders usually are less than an hour or
    if I do an animation I try to get less than say 3mins per frame.
    neil, Jun 10, 2005
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