Increasing code efficiency.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by I-F AB, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. I-F AB

    I-F AB Guest

    Hi all,
    I wrote some code a couple of weeks ago which I now think may have
    some runtime inefficiencies in it.
    I'm not sure if I've written it the right way but now I think I might
    be doing things in a potentially slow way, especially if I'm dealing
    with a monstrous layout of >40 cells.
    I'm thinking of using an array but somehow I'm stumped.
    Could anyone help me on this?

    Example of a typical input:
    ListIn = '( "nor2" "res4" "or6" "res7" "aoi3" "aoi1" )
    Mode = "Hilite"

    procedure( CBOnArr2Inst(ListIn Mode)
    prog( (OpsList SizeList elemStr Ops)
    OpsList = '()
    SizeList = length(ListIn)
    for( elem 1 SizeList
    sprintf(elemStr "%n" elem) ;convert no. -> string
    ; evalstring( strcat( "\\" elem "=\"" elem "\"") )
    evalstring( strcat("ElemCell_" elemStr
    " = \"" nthelem(elem ListIn) "\"") )
    ;create list of operations
    if( Mode == "Switch" then
    Ops = strcat("CBButtons2(ElemCell_" elemStr ")")
    else ;else if/case
    Ops = strcat("CBButtons1(ElemCell_" elemStr ")")
    ) ;if
    OpsList = append1(OpsList Ops)
    ) ;prog
    ) ;proc CBOnArr2Inst

    This code is actually used for a GUI.
    It works as I want it but may cause some problems in runtime when I
    start putting everything together. The input would be from a GUI for

    1st buttonboxfield: ?callback CBOnArr2Inst(OriList
    2nd buttonboxfield: ?callback CBOnArr2Inst(NuList


    Best Regards,
    I-F AB, Mar 6, 2009
  2. I-F AB wrote, on 03/06/09 10:39:
    Hmm. You're making 4 common mistakes:

    1. Iterating over a list with a for loop, and then using nthelem to access the
    entry. This is O(N^2) where N is the length of the list.
    2. Building up the list by appending to the end of the list with append1(). This
    is also rather inefficient, as you need to take a copy of the list being
    appended to to avoid doing a destructive modification. This is also O(N^2)
    3. Using evalstring - run-time evaluation you should avoid if possible.
    4. Storing data in symbols

    That said, you don't have an immense amount of data here.

    Something like this (not tested, of course) would be cleaner:

    ElemCell=makeTable('ElemCell nil)
    procedure( CBOnArr2Inst(ListIn Mode)
    foreach(mapcar elemStr ListIn
    ; I can't really work out why you even need to store the array.
    ;create list of operations
    if( Mode == "Switch" then
    strcat("CBButtons2(ElemCell[\"" elemStr "\"])")
    else ;else if/case
    strcat("CBButtons1(ElemCell[\"" elemStr "\"])")
    ) ;if
    ) ;proc CBOnArr2Inst

    Part way through cleaning this up, I realised that since I don't know what
    you're doing in CBButtons1/2, I can't really tell you precisely what to do. I
    can't see why you need to create a bunch of variables containing the entries in
    the list. Wouldn't it be simpler to just do:

    procedure( CBOnArr2Inst(ListIn Mode)
    foreach(mapcar elemStr ListIn
    ;create list of operations
    if( Mode == "Switch" then
    strcat("CBButtons2(\"" elemStr "\")")
    else ;else if/case
    strcat("CBButtons1(\"" elemStr "\")")
    ) ;if
    ) ;proc CBOnArr2Inst

    In both cases, there's no need for a prog() or let() because there are no local
    variables. I'm using foreach mapcar to transform one list to another.


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 6, 2009
  3. I-F AB

    I-F AB Guest

    Thanks. I just realised I shifted most of the original functions in
    this procedure to other procedures.
    It looks like I've now made too much editing to the script an managed
    to end up with a ridiculously complicated code doing something simple.
    Thanks again.

    Best Regards,
    I-F AB, Mar 10, 2009
  4. I-F AB

    Riad KACED Guest


    You could try the skill profiler from the skill development
    environment. The skill Profiler tells you where your code is taking
    the most time and memory. I'm using it quite often to optimize large
    scripts even-though I don't find it very easy to understand some
    times. That said, the Skill profiler does not give you precious
    advises as Andrew did :-(

    Riad KACED, Mar 10, 2009
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