Increase Font Size in Help Files

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cstaylor, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. cstaylor

    cstaylor Guest

    How can I increase the font size of the help file? Ever since Microsoft
    'upgraded' the help file interface, the menu item to increase font size
    is gone. I'm using Solidworks 2004 running under Windows 2000.

    In a couple of places I have read that if I set Internet Explorer to
    use 'Larger' or 'Largest' font size the help file (.chm) will follow
    it. On my machine, that doesn't have any effect. Is there a registry
    item I can add or modify?

    It's pretty hard to learn more about Solidworks without using the help
    file, and it's hard for me to read. Thanks!
    cstaylor, Apr 25, 2005
  2. cstaylor

    TOP Guest

    As a last resort there is a magnifying glass in the Accesibility folder.
    TOP, Apr 25, 2005
  3. cstaylor

    CS Guest

    Or you could lower your resolution. Though normally this is the last
    last resort, as it changes the size of everything.

    CS, Apr 25, 2005
  4. cstaylor

    MM Guest

    I had the same problem, then I got these newfangled things called "glasses"

    Problem solved

    MM, Apr 25, 2005
  5. cstaylor

    Chuck Guest

    Well, I kept looking and have solutions. Thanks, everyone!

    I've checked out the magnifying glass tool and it's not very usable,
    though if you were desperate it might be ok.

    Glasses I already have.

    Lowering the screen resolution is not an option if I want Solidworks
    and everything else to be normally functional, but one guy suggested
    running a second monitor, and setting it at lower resolution. This I
    did, and though my desk is more crowded, it's a fine solution, and
    pretty handy in general for keeping other windows visible for

    And someone just told me how to get the IE font size control to
    actually take effect, which now works properly, and is a fine solution:

    John Sweeney wrote:

    The help files are compiled using HTML help, so they obey your Internet
    Explorer settings. The help files use a 9pt Verdana font.

    If you find that this isn't big enough, there is one workaround.
    Unfortunately, or fotunately (depending on how you perceive it), this
    change will also affect the font on any web page you view with Internet

    In Internet Explorer:
    A. Click Tools, Internent Options.
    B. Click 'Accessibility'.
    C. Select 'Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages'.
    D. Click OK twice.
    E. Click View, Text Size and pick one of the text sizing options.

    Steps B and C were what I hadn't figured out. You have to close and
    reopen the Solidworks Help window for the change to take effect.
    Chuck, May 2, 2005
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