Increase a number (01)->(02)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by masterbike360, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Hi all...
    Here went some one ask for a copy (print) of a drawing, we freeze this one in time. We copy the drawing to the folder "_Previous_Version" and we add a version number "Drawing-01.dwg" first time distribute...So when some one call, We always ask wich version he as. The drawing name is also included in our title block (Reactor).

    I try to devlop a lisp to copy/rename my drawing.
    My problem is to increase my version value. I'm able to catch the drawing in my folder.
    (setq Xdwgs (dos_dir (strcat FixDwgPrfx "*-*.dwg")))
    This return me a list. Than I remove the ".dwg" extension.
    (setq NewList (mapcar 'vl-filename-base Xdwgs))
    Now a would like the run thru the list to find the last version. If "Drawing-01" Increase this version by 1. So my new drawing version will be named "Drawing-02".

    Is this possible? Are I'm looking to far and a should let the user enter the new version???

    Any advise will be very appreciate...
    Thanks, Simon
    masterbike360, Jan 11, 2005
  2. masterbike360

    T.Willey Guest

    You could do something like.

    (foreach item NewList
    (if (= (vl-filename-base DwgNmx) (substr item 1 (- (strlen item) 3))
    (setq LastNum 01)
    (setq tmpNum (substr item (- (strlen item) 1)))
    (if (> tmpNum LastNum)
    (setq LastNum tmpNum)

    Where LastNum would be the highest number suffix of the drawing.


    ps. Un-tested, written on the fly, but should get you going.
    T.Willey, Jan 11, 2005
  3. masterbike360

    T.Willey Guest

    Or maybe use this.

    (defun LastDwgNumber (DirPath DwgNumPrefix / DwgList DwgNum)
    ; ie. (LastDwgNumber "c:/temp" "test")
    ; Return the hightest number as a string or
    ; nil if no drawing by that name exist.
    ; Tested on drawing names formated like "test-01.dwg"

    (if (setq DwgList (vl-directory-files DirPath (strcat DwgNumPrefix "*.dwg")))
    (setq DwgList (mapcar 'vl-filename-base DwgList))
    (setq DwgList (vl-sort DwgList '>))
    (setq DwgNum (substr (car DwgList) (- (strlen (car DwgList)) 1)))

    T.Willey, Jan 11, 2005
  4. Thaks for your input...the only thing is, I got the last version. What I whant, is to increase this value by one. 01 will become 02.

    Big thanks for your help...very appreciate.
    masterbike360, Jan 11, 2005
  5. masterbike360

    T.Willey Guest

    After you get the last digit convert it to an interget, then add one.
    (setq NumVal (atoi <Your last digit in string format>))
    (setq NumVal (1+ NumVal))
    (if (< NumVal 10)
    (setq NumVal (strcat "0" (itoa NumVal)))
    (setq NumVal (itoa NumVal))
    The if statement is added incase the number is less then 10, because if it is, it won't return it as 09 only 9, so I am adding a 0 to it to become 09. This should work, not test though.

    T.Willey, Jan 11, 2005
  6. everything work perfectly!!!

    Thank you very much.
    masterbike360, Jan 11, 2005
  7. masterbike360

    T.Willey Guest

    Happy to help, and glad it works for you.

    T.Willey, Jan 11, 2005
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