inconsistant file size

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Damian, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. Damian

    Damian Guest

    I have 2 part files that are the same. They have a Design Table in them
    which has about 25 configs. My problem is 1 file is 975 kb and the other is
    12000 kb. Has anyone got any idea wy this would be the case. I did make a
    part file and saved it as FILE1 then I saved as copy FILE2.

    Thank you
    Damian, Dec 16, 2003
  2. Typical with SW. SW keeps all this shadow data. If you take file1 and
    SaveAs over the origional file you will see quite a drop in size.
    Corey Scheich, Dec 16, 2003
  3. With SW2004, it becomes more of a mystery.

    SW2004 files sizes are beyond me.. sometimes they are 2X-4X bigger than
    SW2003 files and sometimes only about 1.5X?

    Paul Salvador, Dec 16, 2003
  4. Damian

    matt Guest

    SW keeps parasolid data for all the configurations. If you have cycled
    through the configs so it had to build and display them, then it is saving
    that data inside the file so next time it doesn't have to build it from
    scratch again.

    matt, Dec 16, 2003
  5. BTW, I'm "not" using configurations on most of my files..

    Paul Salvador, Dec 16, 2003
  6. Damian

    TTB Guest

    and how can i remove thoses informations ?
    for archives, i can afford a long rebuild and i prefer small files.

    TTB, Dec 17, 2003
  7. Damian

    Bates, Nigel Guest

    rty running 'unfrag' on the files / folders this does the same as
    save-as will almost always half the file size

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Damian [mailto:]
    Posted At: 16 December 2003 20:24
    Posted To: solidworks
    Conversation: inconsistant file size
    Subject: inconsistant file size

    I have 2 part files that are the same. They have a Design Table in them
    which has about 25 configs. My problem is 1 file is 975 kb and the other
    12000 kb. Has anyone got any idea wy this would be the case. I did make
    part file and saved it as FILE1 then I saved as copy FILE2.

    Thank you
    Bates, Nigel, Dec 17, 2003
  8. Damian

    matt Guest

    As other folks already said, you can do a "save as" and it should strip out
    some of the extra information. I don't know if that will get rid of the
    config info. If it doesn't, you could save out the DT to a separate file,
    delete all the configs, and then reinsert the design table.

    If you're really desparate to reduce file size, you could use the
    autorecover file. Set the Tools, Options, Backup, Autorecover setting to
    1, and make a couple insignificant changes (like change a dim and then
    change it back), and go to the temp directory and see what it did to the
    file. This usually only leaves the instructions to make the features, and
    strips out the parasolid and display data. This isn't practical for a
    large number of files, but for individual files, it's a fairly dramatic

    matt, Dec 17, 2003
  9. Try EcoSqueeze from, certainly the most valuable free tool
    for SolidWorks...
    Then ask the real question : "why doesn't SolidWorks implement this in SW or
    in SW Explorer ???"
    The only answer that came to my mind is they suffer from NIH Syndrom (Not
    Invented Here = No Good...)
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Dec 17, 2003
  10. Damian

    Damian Guest

    This seems to be a downfall in the system as most of my files reside on a
    server here at work wich is making things run alot slower.
    Damian, Dec 17, 2003
  11. Actually, after using it, it works ok but.. it toggles itself off during
    edits or rebuilds so, it becomes useless or the user has too remember to
    turn it back on before a save.

    BTW, you may have noticed that it is also becomes a option in SW2003
    It also toggles itself off during edits/rebuilds.

    And, if anyone is thinking that because SW2003 now has this option it is
    somehow turning off the SW2004 option, that isn't the case because I can
    work in "only" SW2004 all day and notice the SW2004 tessellation option
    toggles off.

    Paul Salvador, Dec 17, 2003
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