Importing Wall Styles - ADT 2006

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Barb, May 15, 2007.

  1. Barb

    Barb Guest

    Is there a special trick or incantation one needs to recite in order
    to successfully import/export wall styles in ADT 2006?

    I use the Style Manager to open the drawings. I drag and drop the wall
    style from open drawing to another. I get a message telling me that
    "duplicate names" have been found, and offering the choices to "leave
    existing," "overwrite existing" and "Rename to Unique." I choose
    "overwrite." It seems like something is happening, and then ...
    nothing changes. The wall style is left as is - not overwritten. I've
    tried "Rename to Unique, too, and it always reverts back to the way it
    had been before I edited it in it's original drawing.

    Ideas anyone?

    Thanks in advance ...
    Barb, May 15, 2007
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