Importing Sketches to Drawing?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chebeba, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. Chebeba

    Chebeba Guest

    So I'd like to import some sketches to my drawings.
    (Actually outlines of flattened plates from an external flattening application)

    I typically have a number of these on one drawing.
    An outline consists of a set of polylines/arcs/splines.

    I would like to be able to move each outline around as an entity, and to dimension
    it. That's a reasonable requirement, no?

    If I select all entities for an outline and use the "Move Entites" command, all
    selected entities are not moved. Some stay behind. Ugly.

    So I convert the outline into a block. I can now move the block around. Nice.

    But I can't dimension the block. The only point that dimensions want to snap to is
    the block origin. Lines and points inside a block seem invisible to dimensions.
    Too bad.

    So I open the block and attempt to put the dimensions inside the block, which
    would be fine. It works nicely, except the text on the dimensions is small. As in
    very very small. Microscopic. Not readable. And certainly not the size specified
    in the document properties...

    So I end up puting the ouline in a block and then drawing construction lines on
    top of the lines making up the block, so I can dimension to the construction
    lines. That's what I usually call a kludge.

    Other suggestions, maybe???

    (2006 SP5.0)

    Chebeba, Oct 11, 2006
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