Importing scale problems

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jay, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. Jay

    Jay Guest

    Does anyone have any idea why whenever I try to import stuff, it comes in at
    the wrong scale. I've downloaded thinks off of websites and sometimes they
    are off by the conversion factor of metric to English. I've tried different
    unit settings with the templates and still get the same thing.

    Now I'm trying to import some Cadkey stuff directly and the scale is really
    wacked out to some odd size.

    Jay, Sep 25, 2003
  2. Jay

    mold.dude Guest

    Hi Jay,

    I've been getting the same results on the last few files I imported. They were Mechanical Desktop .STEP files. I assumed
    it was the way the customer was exporting them. I could not scale them up 25.4 times either, they all failed. I told the
    customer what was happening and they re-sent new parts. Those new parts imported the same, but at least I was able to
    scale them.

    Ken B.

    Oh yeah, I'm on SWX2003 SP3.1.
    mold.dude, Sep 26, 2003
  3. Jay

    Jay Guest

    Hi Ken,

    FYI, my problems are with 2003 & 2004. 2003 was doing it at the 25.4 and
    now 2004 is something really off the wall. Kind of got me a serious
    situation going on here.


    were Mechanical Desktop .STEP files. I assumed
    25.4 times either, they all failed. I told the
    imported the same, but at least I was able to
    Jay, Sep 26, 2003
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