Importing points or a curve

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by steve, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. steve

    steve Guest

    Hi, I have never used Solidworks before but I will soon need to create
    and modify a blade based on an airfoil section. The airfoil is a 2D
    curve for which I know x and y coordinates. I will need to import
    these coordinates into Solidworks and create a 3D model from this. Is
    there a way to get this airfoil section into Solidworks by importing a
    text file with the coordinates?

    Thank You
    steve, Mar 25, 2008
  2. steve

    zxys Guest

    Insert/Curve/Curve Througn XYZ Points,... Browse,... *.txt

    zxys, Mar 25, 2008
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