Import Points from Ascii File?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by What-a-Tool, Aug 24, 2003.

  1. What-a-Tool

    What-a-Tool Guest

    Have a list of points given in XYZ Coordinates.
    My CAM application can import these from a text file if given in the correct
    Anyone know of a way to do this in AutoCad 2000?

    Also, am involved in a little mind exercise on another news group which
    involves finding the shortest path between 400 points scattered at random
    across a plane. Anyone know of a method in AutoCad to accomplish this.
    Thanks, Sean
    What-a-Tool, Aug 24, 2003
  2. What-a-Tool

    What-a-Tool Guest


    What-a-Tool, Sep 12, 2003
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