Import logo from Adobe Illustrator

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Seth Renigar, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I am doing a project now for a customer that wants his logo embossed on the
    part. He gave me with a .pdf file of his logo. It is basically very fancy
    text with lots of loopity-loops and such. I need to get this logo into a
    sketch so that I can extrude it.

    I first tried to save it as a graphics image and use WinTopo to create the
    geometry. This failed. The geometry wasn't even close to being usable.

    I then called the graphics designer directly. She uses Adobe Illustrator.
    She told me that she could export it as a .dxf or .dwg though she had never
    done this before.

    The first attempt produced nothing but crosshatch when opened in AutoCAD,
    and absolutely nothing when imported into SolidWorks.

    She found some export settings or something and re-exported.

    This time it opened perfect in AutoCAD, but only about 50% of the entities
    (splines) would import into SW. I got this error message:
    Entity not imported, type Spline, Handle: 8C
    Entity not imported, type Spline, Handle: 86
    Entity not imported, type Spline, Handle: 7F
    Entity not imported, type Spline, Handle: 79

    I know nothing about Adobe Illustrator. And she knows nothing about
    exporting it to CAD. Does anyone know of a way that I could get this done?
    I am all out of ideas.

    Seth Renigar, Oct 19, 2004
  2. Seth Renigar

    FrankW Guest

    This is what I'd try.
    Open in autocrap, select all and explode
    keep doing this until there's nothing left to explode.
    Save, open back up then purge all then save , close
    open back up, purge all, save ,close
    Keep doing this until there's nothing left to purge.
    Export as dxf then try to import into SW SLDDRW.
    If that works then try to copy /paste into sketch
    Not sure if It'd work. but that's what I'd try
    FrankW, Oct 19, 2004
  3. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I had interesting results doing this.

    Before, there were 17 splines that wouldn't import which made up approx.
    70-80% of the geometry. So I only got around 20-30% actual good geometry.

    After exploding as you suggested, there were 72 splines that didn't import.
    But since there was a LOT more splines to start with, that still left about
    80-90% of the geometry that DID import. I think I may be able to fudge the
    last 10-20% by tracing over a sketch picture.

    To trace the whole image would have taken days. This at least reduces that
    time to a somewhat tolerable level.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to remember that...
    Seth Renigar, Oct 19, 2004
  4. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    That does work. I saved it as R12 dxf. But there were so many lines that
    it brought SW to its knees.

    I tried to window select all of the lines in the sketch. I sat there and
    waited about 4-5 minutes as all of the lines turned green one by one. I did
    get a pop-up message that I had never seen before in the 8 years I have been
    using SW. It said: "Not all of the large number of entries can be listed".
    I figure there must have been many thousand lines in the sketch.

    This would probably work great on smaller geometry. Oh well. Back to the
    "drawing" board...
    Seth Renigar, Oct 19, 2004
  5. Here's the trick to make it work Seth. Open the version 12 drawing in
    AutoCAD. Once open type PEDIT at the command line. Type "M" ENTER to
    select multiple entities. Window select the entire drawing. When asked to
    convert to poly lines say YES and Enter. Next Hit "J" and ENTER to join all
    the lines. Input a "fuzz distance". I usually use .06 but you may need
    something different. Hit Enter and let it do it's thing. When done save
    the drawing. What you just did was turn everything in to poly lines, closed
    99% of the gaps and connected all the poly lines together.

    Now open this drawing into a part file in SW. When doing this set the merge
    points option to a low number like .01. It should open with out problems
    and you should have closed contours for extruding. If not you can use the
    sketch tools to show you where the holes are. There should only be a couple
    if any. I regularly do this with dwg files that have thousands of line
    entities with no problems. Let me know if you need more help.

    Rob Rodriguez, Oct 20, 2004
  6. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I did try this. It processed for around 40 minutes and never finished. I
    needed my machine back so I had to end the task before completing. I will
    try this again today just before I leave work so that I can let it process.

    By the way, I assume the "fuzz distance" of .06 is metric. I entered .002
    for inches (should be about the same).

    FYI - There are about 58000 lines in this logo drawing after exploding
    Seth Renigar, Oct 20, 2004
  7. Seth Renigar

    Zander Guest


    Download a demo of rhino and use it's arcfit command (under edit menu - I
    forget exactly what it's called) it will 'trace' the splined version of your
    dxf with a series of tangent arcs. Or just use rhino to extrude/model
    whatever 3d features you want for the logo and import these into sw to use
    as toolbodies.

    Or as Dale suggested - extrude the closed shapes in autocad to primitive
    solids then import these into solidworks, you can use these solids as
    toolbodies or just create sketches from the faces.

    Save out the logo as a tif or bitmap and use a raster to vector program
    (flexisign has a good one) to convert in 100% closed splines. (Helps
    simplify the geometry without losing the shape, also works great for clipart
    which is always got overlapping sections)

    Also, a vastly overlooked autocad tool: part of the express tools is
    called 'overkill' at the command line, I think the menu item is called
    'find duplicates' or something, it is similiar to multi pedit but does a
    lot more and works very well.

    Also, if you have access to mdt (mechanical desktop) it has a spline to
    pline command on the surfacing toolbar.

    Zander, Oct 20, 2004
  8. Seth Renigar

    That70sTick Guest

    As my I.D. days get further and further behind me, it gets harder to
    remember these things.

    If you have access to Adobe Illustrator, then you may be able to do
    some editing to prepare for the export. Crosshatches? There is no
    need for filled blocks. Create outlines and remove block shapes. Make
    sure there are no entities on hidden layers. Convert text to shapes
    and keep only outlines.

    Also, there may be a way in Illustrator to change splines to simething
    more friendly. That, or just brute-force redraw in Illustrator.

    Worst case scenario: Ghostscript can convert the PDF to TIFF or BMP,
    and you trace.
    That70sTick, Oct 20, 2004
  9. Seth Renigar

    rocheey Guest

    This time it opened perfect in AutoCAD,

    Ok, from acad, save it as an R12 DXF

    Now open the DXF in *Notepad*
    Search down from the top of the file for the word "ENTITIES" ,
    without the quotation marks.

    There will be 3 lines before it:

    erase every line ABOVE THAT ZERO to the beginning of the file
    (starting with "ENDSEC" in the line above the sero.)

    Save and retry reading in with your fav cad or cam app.
    rocheey, Oct 20, 2004
  10. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Man!!! All these possible solutions, and I have since gotten temporarily
    pulled off this project to work on a different hot, hot project. I will
    give some of these a try in the next day or two.

    Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.
    Seth Renigar, Oct 20, 2004
  11. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Just to let everyone know,

    Brian Mears helped me out with this problem by taking the Adobe Illustrator
    (.ai) file and running it through a program called Bezarc. It produced
    perfect CAD data without a single spline in the geometry. Instead, the
    sketch consists of lines and arcs only which simplifies the data a LOT and
    still looks just like the logo.

    From what I have seen, I am going to purchase a seat of Bezarc. If you also
    have a need to get data from an Illustrator document, I highly recommend it
    for you as well.

    I would like to thank everyone again for your input and ideas. I am sure
    that several of these solutions would have worked to some degree or another.
    But I doubt any of them would have produced better quality than Brian did
    with the Bezarc program.

    This group is great!
    Seth Renigar, Oct 25, 2004
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