Import IGES (assembly on SolidWorks) file to ANSYS

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pablo, Sep 19, 2003.

  1. Pablo

    Pablo Guest


    I'm having hard times importing a IGES file in to ANSYS6.1. The IGES
    file consists of an assembly that I have made under SolidWorks (SW), when I
    saved the IGES file I check the box "save all the components of an assembly
    in one file" and select a coordinate sytem that was created in the assembly
    file. The problem is that when I import the file into ANSYS (faceted
    options) the parts instead of being assembled are spread out. Apparently the
    parts are placed in respect with their own coordinate system instead of
    being in respect with the new coordinate sytem that was created in the
    assembly. Is there something that I forgot to do....? The only import
    options that I have under ANSYS is the IGES format.

    Also is there free application that prepares the IGES file to be read
    into ANSYS with the Smooth options instead of faceted? The difference
    between the two ways of importing is that the smooth option keeps the
    structure of the surfaces and the faceted option approximates the surfaces
    with a faceted quilt. Everytime that I try to read the IGES file with the
    smooth option there is always half of the surfaces that are missing. The
    reasons why I want to import with the smooth option is because of the mesh

    By the way the assembly is the upper part of the femur with a metallic
    implant inserted into the bone. So the surfaces are quite complex. If you
    can be of any help, let me know.
    Pablo, Sep 19, 2003
  2. Pablo

    MM Guest


    It sounds like Ansys isn't reading and executing the transfomations in the
    IGES file. Mastercam reads the file in, in the part coordinate position ,
    then translates/transforms the part to the assembly coordinates, and
    "blanks" the original. Kinda messy (you end up with two copies of every
    part, but only one is visible) but it works.

    Which trimmed surface option did you use, 144"s or 186's ? You may want to
    try some different out put options, like NURBS or standard.

    Ansys has had Parasolid-in capability for awhile now. Is it a megabuck extra
    cost option ?
    The current version is 7.1, so 6.1 couldn't be more than a couple years old.

    The faceting is an Ansys thing. Sounds like maybe the trim accuracy isn't
    tight enough for Ansys. Make sure you have "high trim curve accuracy"
    checked in the options.

    You also might want to run the data through "Rhino". Read in as parasolid,
    and out put as IGES. Rhino is famous for being able to straighten out data
    automatically. You can download a fully functional thirty day trial at

    It's only about $600.00, so if it works it's a cheap solution


    MM, Sep 22, 2003
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