Import DXF - Default Templates Not Valid?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian Mears, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. Brian Mears

    Brian Mears Guest

    When I try to import a DXF file in SolidWorks, I'm greeted with the
    following message:

    "The default templates are not valid. The problems can be resolved by
    correcting the default templates under the options dialog. Do you
    want to continue with a blank template?"

    Apparently something about my custom template file will not allow it
    to be used as a template for a DXF (possibly others as well). Has
    anybody else experienced this? Help? Thanks.

    Brian Mears, Mar 4, 2004
  2. I have noticed that there are spelling errors between the directories in the
    options dialog and the ones created on the hard disk, such as 'assem'
    instead of 'assembly'. Check they match and try again.

    Stephen Woolhead, Mar 4, 2004
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