Imitation plot window

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dragnsbld, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. Dragnsbld

    Dragnsbld Guest

    Ok Ladies and Gentlemen here's my latest quanrdry.
    how can I get an imitation plot window to come up at the 'beginning' of my code so that I can retrieve the printer and paper size prior to running a batch plot?

    Has anyone written any code for this yet?
    Dragnsbld, Jul 15, 2004
  2. Dragnsbld

    Norman Yuan Guest

    You do not need to retrieve ploting device info from Plot Window(dialog
    box). Use AcadPlotConfiguration object's method:


    code so that I can retrieve the printer and paper size prior to running a
    batch plot?
    Norman Yuan, Jul 15, 2004
  3. Dragnsbld

    Dragnsbld Guest

    I am going to but, I need the user to select the printer and paper size before I do that. It is essentially a batch plot with a lot more going on behind the scenes. After the initial selection of printer and paper then the rest takes over.
    Dragnsbld, Jul 20, 2004
  4. Dragnsbld

    MickyV Guest

    Insert a userform into your project, add all the bits and pieces to it that you want, then add UserForm1.Show (assuming your dialog is named UserForm1) to your code when you want it to display.
    MickyV, Jul 29, 2004
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