Images not plotting correctly if rotated wrt paper space

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by begar, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. begar

    begar Guest

    I switched over to AutoCAD 2004, and this problem appeared.
    Large chunks of images don't plot if the image (which is in model space) is plotted in a viewport with a rotation.
    It plots fine at any rotation in model space.
    This happens on our Infotec IP2838 laser printer, but not on our HP1050 plotter, which makes me think it may be a driver problem.
    Anyone else noticed this problem?
    begar, Jan 28, 2004
  2. begar

    news Guest

    I have the problem with our Xerox DC432 printer and a little on the HP 750C
    The drivers are the problem apparently and there does not appear to be much
    interest in fixing them. I found a perfect solution though and it seems to
    be the best way to plot no matter what device I want to use.
    Setup a new printer using the Raster File formats and select "TIFF... (...
    compressed)" set a custom paper size that matches your paper size in pixels.
    The values for this depend on the resolution you want. The size is
    specified in pixels and equals (desired dpi x width) X (desired dpi x
    height). For my 22x34 sheet it is 10,200 X 6600 (I messed up in an earlier
    post and said 10,400 x 6600).

    Plot to file. This method produces a perfect 300dpi full scale 22x34 image
    for me. Use Xerox's free download TIFF submittal tool. to send it to the
    device you want. The devices will scale the image to fit the sheet so give
    the device sheet size that matches the sheet size you plotted. You can use
    this to great advantage and send the image (plot) to a half-size sheet for a
    really nice (600dpi) half-size print.
    is plotted in a viewport with a rotation.
    plotter, which makes me think it may be a driver problem.
    news, Jan 29, 2004
  3. begar

    BKD-cad Guest

    We also have similar problems on our Ricoh A3Colour Laser, but not on a Canon A3Colour Laser - it also only began when Acad 2004 was installed, and also occurs under Acad 2005. We also suspect it is driver related but have not been able to resolve.
    The problem is the printer prints a "bounding white space" that is parallel to the paper around the image when in a rotated viewport. So using a wipeout textmask produces a mess. Where images are tiled together the "bounding white space" from one overlaps the adjacent image this resulting in large areas of the images missing - not a good look

    BKD-cad, Apr 26, 2004
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