Images in 2006 pulldown menu

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ken Krupa, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. Ken Krupa

    Ken Krupa Guest

    After compiling my menu into a .cui file for 2006, I see that some of the
    commands in my pulldown display an image - the same image as in the
    corresponding toolbar button. NICE! But, some have an image and some do not.
    Everything in the pulldown has a corresponding button. So, what determines
    whether the pulldown item gets an image? Anyone have a handle on this yet?
    (BTW, I have ADT 2006 beta and documentation for this stuff does not seem to
    be available yet in this version.)

    Ken Krupa
    Ken Krupa, Mar 29, 2005
  2. This is a bug with the conversion process from .mnu/.mns to .cui. It was
    improved during the later betas, but never completely fixed. I have the
    same problem. The only thing I could do was manually type in, or browse
    for, the missing images in the CUI. I could not determine any rhyme or
    reason why some worked and not others.
    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., Mar 30, 2005
  3. Ken Krupa

    Ken Krupa Guest

    At least you discovered a work-around, and it worked for me too. Thanks!

    Ken Krupa
    Krupa CADD Solutions
    Home of KCS Productivity Pack for ADT
    Ken Krupa, Mar 30, 2005
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