Images clipped with Polygonal clip problems...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Maksim Sestic, Sep 15, 2003.

  1. Dear all,

    I tried to make a series of concatenated raster images, as I normally do,
    but with their borders clipped using _polygonal_ clipping edge. Even if the
    "polygon" is mere a rectangle, as there's no other way to directly clip the
    image via VBA, when I show more than two rasters only one or two are visible
    (!)... In first, I though it may result from cheap graphics controller, but
    I tried maybe 5 of different graphic cards and it's still the same (ony one
    or two polygonally-clipped rasters are visible, others are only visible as
    blank frames).

    I can not use SendCommand to do a clipping job as my images are bit rotated
    and rubbersheeted, and Rectangular clip from native ACAD follows the
    rotation angle of the clipped image.

    Help, help...

    Maksim Sestic
    Maksim Sestic, Sep 15, 2003
  2. What version of AutoCAD? 2004 does support clipping and, I think, the
    unsupported library for 2000-02 did too.
    Mike Tuersley
    AutoCAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    Mike Tuersley, Sep 16, 2003
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