image quality

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by will, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. will

    will Guest

    2 questions:

    Every time I open a new part I have to reset the image quality (tools >
    performance) to maximum. Is there any way to set this so that it when I
    open a part/assembly this is set to maximum each time? I did set this
    when creating the template but that didn't work.

    Also when I set this to maximum on small parts I still see a jagged
    edge. Could this be due to the graphics card?

    will, Jun 29, 2006
  2. I don't have this problem. You have to set your image quality in each
    template (part, assembly , drawing) and then save them. It also might be
    possible that your system is not looking in the right place for your
    template files. (Check Tools/Options/System Options/File Locations.) Or your
    template files may have been overwritten during an upgrade or reinstall.
    I doubt it. I think it is just the way the system works. As far as I know,
    we all see this.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 29, 2006
  3. will

    matt Guest

    First, I have to ask the obvious question, did you save the template
    with the setting, and are you using that template for all of these
    parts? Just make a new blank part and check the setting to see if this
    is ok.

    Second, are you sure you're saving the part after the setting is changed?

    That said, there is a setting in the assembly that could be changing the
    settings in all of your parts. If you go to the Image Quality area in
    the assembly, there is a setting for "Apply to all referenced part
    documents", which will actually change the setting in the parts after
    viewing in the assembly. This could be good or bad. If you crank it
    up, it will set all your parts to high quality.

    The only other thing you can do about the "jagged lines" is to turn on
    the anti-aliasing, at Tools, Options, System Options, Display/Selection,
    Anti-alias edges/sketches, although it doesn't have much effect unless
    you are working with edges shown. Or turn down the contrast on your
    monitor a bit. Or start drinking at noon, that always takes the edge
    off. Or you could consider only designing rectangular parts and looking
    at them from orthogonal views.;o)

    If you have features which are "very small" compared to the rest of your
    part, they can sometimes degrade the display quality of everything else.
    You might try suppressing tiny features when you don't really need them.

    good luck
    matt, Jun 29, 2006
  4. will

    matt Guest

    ...image quality (tools >

    ok, so I'm a bit slow. I guess I just didn't read it properly.

    There is no "tools, performance". There is a tools, options,
    performance, but it doesn't control image quality. The only display
    related things there are transparency and level of detail, which turns
    small items into blocks when you rotate. I guess I have to ask what
    you're talking about?
    matt, Jun 29, 2006
  5. will

    Mr. Who Guest

    AA is under tools -> options -> system options tab -> anti-alias is the
    fourth checkbox down of bottom section.

    if you want edge quality - go to tools -> options -> DOCUMENT
    properties tab -> image quality. There is also a link to this at the
    bottom of the performance tab.
    Mr. Who, Jul 3, 2006
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