Image clip inside selected area

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Richard Mobarak, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. I have a drawing with TIFF images that I need to clip. The problem is
    that I want to clip inside the boundry that I create. I'm using
    Acad2002. After inserting the image I choose modify, clip, image then
    I select the image to clip by picking the image at its border. At the
    prompt I press enter to create a clipping boundry using a rectangle
    which clips everything outside of the boundry but I need to clip
    everything inside the boundry -- is there a way to do this? I have
    tried using the polygonal boundry by creating a polygon that treats
    the area I want to clip as the outside of the polygon. This sort of
    works but is very cumbersome. Any suggestions?
    Richard Mobarak, Jan 10, 2004
  2. Richard Mobarak

    Gert H. Guest


    you can leave your tiff image as is and create a bitonal (monochrome
    bitmap in Windows Paint) 1 by 1 pixel (leave the pixel white).

    attach the bitonal image in your DWG, scale to the appropriate size,
    and clip that bitonal image to the size and shape of the area that you
    want to "hide" in the other tiff image

    move the clipped bitonal over the desired location on the tiff and use
    DRAWORDER to make sure the clipped bitonal stays on top of the tiff

    result is you have a blank area on which you can place autoCAD
    entities (might take a bit fiddling with the draworder command again)

    Op 10 Jan 2004 15:40:33 -0800 schreef (Richard
    Gert H., Jan 11, 2004
  3. Your method works, I guess the only way to get the right shape once
    it's imported into autocad is to clip the bitmap image. I wish there
    were a way to alter the aspect ratio after importing into autocad. One
    problem I was having is loosing the text under the bitmap image when I
    try to clip it to get the right size. If I clip it before moving it
    over the text it's difficult to get the right size. I have a lot of
    different paragraph sizes to work with.
    Richard Mobarak, Jan 11, 2004
  4. Richard Mobarak

    Gert H. Guest

    You could try to set the one pixel in that bitonal bitmap to
    transparent in e.g. Paint Shop Pro ( I'm not sure of the required
    filetype of the bitmap, don't think that .BMP supports transparent
    pixels, but .GIF does (not available here in Belgium - licencing
    issues apparently) .TIFF and .PNG might also).

    AutoCAD recognizes transparency in bitmaps.

    Attach the bitonal to the dwg in AutoCAD, right-click on it and select
    Transparency, set to ON. Now you should be able to see right trough
    it, and read the underlying text. Scaling and clipping should be
    easier now. When OK, set transparency to OFF again.

    I haven't tried it myself, so I don't know for sure if this works.

    Op 11 Jan 2004 14:25:12 -0800 schreef (Richard
    Gert H., Jan 12, 2004
  5. Richard Mobarak, Jan 13, 2004
  6. Richard Mobarak

    Gert H. Guest

    That's a neat trick; makes things MUCH easier, thanks for pointing it
    out to me!

    Op Mon, 12 Jan 2004 20:20:15 -0700 schreef Richard Mobarak
    Gert H., Jan 14, 2004
  7. Richard Mobarak

    gruhn Guest

    which clips everything outside of the boundry but I need to clip
    If you have express tools, the Wipeout may do the job, depending on your
    situation. Or using the bitmap as a fill in a Super Hatch.
    gruhn, Jan 14, 2004
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