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Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jason Tran, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. Jason Tran

    Jason Tran Guest


    I'm a Mechanical Desktop user. I love the way the AutoCad set up
    that you can change path of your model drawing. For example, Original
    path of the 3D model of drawing A is C:/drawing/drawing2/solidmodel/
    example1.sdprt. You can change it to /solidmodel/ in the path option.
    If you move the drawing, the drawing will look into the sub folder
    solidmodel for its model. That is how AutoCad works, but how about
    SolidWorks? How can we do a similar to that?

    Thank you for answer my question
    Jason Tran, Aug 30, 2007
  2. Jason Tran

    FlowerPot Guest

    SolidWorks work exactly how AutoCAD. It just change icons at the screne.
    Mech Desktrp very goode programme. Very modern. VCery lovely.
    Solidyodelk work wilth move.

    By the way, kid, keep your head down in here. HooFlungDung is throwing
    shit again.

    FlowerPot, Aug 30, 2007
  3. Jason Tran

    j Guest

    If you've moved the models to a different directory, when you go to open
    the drawing, choose reference before hitting the open button. Then you
    can change the location of any of the referenced parts.
    j, Aug 30, 2007
  4. Jason Tran

    j Guest

    Hey Daisy,

    Tell your keeper to quit putting all the extra plant food in your water
    or quit feeding you the fertilizer from the chicken farm
    j, Aug 30, 2007
  5. Jason Tran

    TOP Guest

    SolidWorks has some very powerful tools for managing files references.
    I will try to explain this.

    First, in Tools/Options/External references there is a check box for
    Check Referenced File locations. If that is not checked SW will use
    the information in the saved file to try to find referenced files. If
    that option is checked then SW will look in a directory(ies) specified
    in Tools/Options/FileLocations/References in the order listed there.

    Second, when the option above is checked, SW will be forced to look
    first in the first and then in subsequent location in the References
    list. So even if you just saved to a different location SW will look
    first in the References list. Only if it doesn't find it there will it
    look at where you last saved it and if it doesn't find it there it
    will look in the last place windows looked for a file. This last
    behavior is a nasty wildcard for users.

    So what you can do in SW is to have two Folder Trees, one for released
    work and one for work in progress. If they both have the same exact
    folder structure then whichever top level tree is first in the
    references list will force SW to look there first. SW can then be made
    to look first at work in progress and then in released work or vice
    versa just by changing the order of the folder trees in File/

    TOP, Sep 1, 2007
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