I'm learning about on line libraries..etc.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by phil scott, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    .... briefly some cad vendors hire pure software guys to wade though
    100 million plus items on the web and
    attempt to stack a workable library together... that approach has
    serious issues...no way too know what to pick in any given category...
    none of us could do that beyone one or two of our own narrow

    the guys in the trades or ME's etc can tell them, but even most ME's
    lack the hands on pipe fitting experience to make sensible
    choices... ..those are not in the cad developer offices to any great
    degree at all...

    some companies do better or worse than others, and it seems that
    most salesmen...well... they do what salesmen do...if their top end
    sales management is short clues and some valuable personal
    characteristics... not realizing the liabilities to the buyers at
    all. ..those can ruin the companies market share stat.

    CAD in the solids range is not like buying a car. its more like
    hiring someone who drinks, won't show up to work, eye balls your gold
    fish when he is a work .. or whatever and wants to be paid 2x

    ..it can be a problem. These are not engineers as a rule or even in
    that business as designers.

    SE is pretty hot for what I do at least...ymmv with other functions...
    the tactic I see mentioned on the NG would be the smartest move.. get
    a live demo doing some difficult thing your own software has issues
    with... that carrys some water.... the slick staged demo's? the
    NG's views on that, and all the rasberrys turned out to be spot on.

    Synch is hot as far as its developed.. it should pay off for me....
    depends on how many files it can translate to and be workable on der
    other end. I'll be working on the for the next few days.

    What I will do re SE Sycnh.. is make my own limited range of valves in
    synch, and since I dont use that many different ones, that will only
    take me a day or two.... and in synch I can change their dimensions to
    suit ANSI standards all from the original drawing, and I can make
    those explodable, sectionalbe, or see through, that will look pretty
    good... and I cant do that with most library parts I find (any
    comments on that issue would be appreciated).... I have to find out
    if they will stay that way when I import them into say TurboCAD for
    instance. if they will, that will quite nice... if not...well its
    still not so bad. If they get all hinkey on me when I move em that
    wont be so hot.

    btw. I got Carbonite.com back up..it takes 24 hours to back up 2 or
    3 gigs, for me that would be 2 months of constant run...so Im having
    it back up my CAD output, and some typed documents and pics
    only...loosing the ability to back load it if my computer is stolen or
    hard drive crashes. Id have to reload my CAD software and a few
    others.. at least Id have my hard won libraries and can afford to
    store to them in 5 or 6 different formats downloadable to whatever
    later. Anyone have any ideas on how buggy that can get?

    and I can afford to store them on my hard drive also since its only a
    few valves...and as a rule not more than 8 or 10 per drawing, and I
    only need 1 or two sectionable with parts inside per drawing....

    ..I can turn some of those into shells only to save file space.

    Not such a bad deal with the SE synch approach for valves. no
    library would do that for me regardless, not even IV's absolutely
    workd class one...those are all solid no parts inside as far as I
    could tell, to make the library size controllable no doubt.

    To get their pipe route to work you have to buy their library such as
    it is......thats giving me some heattburn.. it would have been nice if
    der salesman had mentioned that earlier. its a catch 22.. (I will
    keep my mouth shut on der library issues and that strategy, give them
    a year, then I might whine.)

    Im going to try saving these as assy's and some as just parts and
    see how they copy into TurboCAD... if that works, im in pertty good
    shape... SE says you can put these into their parts library so their
    pipe routing will route them...

    looking that over was scary. .. but it would be a sweet set up.

    Does anyone have links to JUST an industrial valve library... the kind
    you see all over like paint in
    a petrro chem, water treatment, or food processing plant? I will
    try ACME valve company, and some
    others...Id bet those do.

    Phil scott
    phil scott, Aug 8, 2009
  2. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Check with the major vendors of fittings & etc.
    Many may be able to supply you with libraries of their parts. Check
    their Web sites. Supply houses too.
    Don't know how this would work with your program & add-ons though.
    Cliff, Aug 8, 2009
  3. phil scott

    Cliff Guest




    Cliff, Aug 8, 2009
  4. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Tried for a removable hard drive (or other memory)?
    Cliff, Aug 8, 2009
  5. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Get another hard drive exactly the same as yours & make
    a mirror copy of yours.
    Cliff, Aug 8, 2009
  6. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    thanks Cliff for the superb advice... Im in the middle of trying to
    sort out a bunch of thiese
    programs, and business strategy... while Im still in the beginiing
    stages of doing solids modeling.
    ..... the blind leading the blond so to speak.

    Cloing the hard drive has to be the smartest move...will that allow
    all the vendor protected software
    to boot back up if I stwitch th the back up hard dirve?...
    regardless... that approach for a mega gigs
    would work... carbonite wouldnt. I will use carbonite to back up
    important files and libraries,
    but not my hard drive for that reason,

    Phil scott
    phil scott, Aug 9, 2009
  7. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    phil scott, Aug 9, 2009
  8. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    I don't suppose BS banquer was of any help.
    Should, AFAIK. Might have to mess with the licenses I suppose
    but the vendors can help you there, if needed. Some may key to
    the unique diskid from the maker but, IIRC, most look at the
    unique id of the network card/interface. Best to make a note
    of that too I suppose.
    Hard drive to hard drive copy can be pretty fast too,
    depending on how things are hooked up between them
    & controller cards.
    And you can store the backup drive offsite or in a safety
    deposit box, etc.

    If needed to swap later might have to change a drive letter or
    somethng but no biggie AFAIK.
    Cliff, Aug 10, 2009
  9. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Even if they just have (accurate) wireframe or IGES you'd be
    ahead I suspect.
    Unless some standards really are well-suited for parametrics
    in which case still better, probably.
    Some can make a bit of pocket change by building libraries for
    some vendors ....
    Cliff, Aug 10, 2009
  10. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    thanks again...

    re JB, .... help desk is not his strong point... he is a world class
    hoser of those morons with the bogus tutorials and
    sucky manuals and buggy / arcane and screwed up software. ..., my kind
    of guy...may he keep shining like
    the moon over New Orleans during Mardi gras.

    Phil scott
    phil scott, Aug 10, 2009
  11. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Nope. It's not as if he has any clues at all.
    Actually, most of it works just fine.
    But untrained new users .... OR depending
    on videos ....
    He's been mooning locals again?
    There are banquers in the NO area.
    Cliff, Aug 11, 2009
  12. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    Your problem Cliff is that you do not understand *true genius... You
    know Einstein didnt even
    wear socks and couldnt even tie his shoes.. beyond a certain point,
    those leave the rest of us
    in the dust in complete non comprehension...

    err. I gots one hugely expensive program dat can'tsdo a simple
    hexagon without having to
    draw that baby from scratch. How do I know? I tried, then called
    em... er dang.. 'maybe in
    the next release'. I could do hexagons in etch a sketch 5 back in
    der 80's.

    I wouldnt know, those should feel gifted in that case however.
    I wouldnt know I was only there a couple of times, eating da gumbo
    and hanging out on Bourbon street, and noticing the dead armadillo's
    beside the road.

    Phil scott
    phil scott, Aug 11, 2009
  13. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Being able to grasp the basics would be a huge start for him.
    Cliff, Aug 11, 2009
  14. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Did you go to www.siemensplmcommunity.com
    and search for polygon?
    Also here: http://www.geocities.com/segurucool/tiptrick.htm
    (may differ; I don't know).

    Or "The polygon tool available in the custome folder is now integrated to the
    interface " (IF that applies)?

    BTW, Looks like SE may have a "Solid Edge Machinery Library" too.
    Cliff, Aug 11, 2009
  15. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    I wont say which cad package has this issue..it could be any of 5 im
    looking over at this point..
    but no... those particular guru's can find it either. maybe in an
    update...v97 or something.

    it does... I havent been able to fathom those yet... it appears some
    may have mixed ansi and DIN stsandards here and there... it may need
    debug or maybe not...I are a eginere..... and a cad idiot.

    Generally speakiking, I think all vendors make a big mistake not
    having specialty libraries
    quite complete, but none ONLY fo rthis or that particular

    ..for instance 6' long x 3" in diameter bridge piling
    anchor bolts in the electroninc fittings library...right now most mix
    all that up... if its a bolt you
    get a huge batch... often missing the ones you need... aame with other
    standard parts..

    In looking over the issue, its this there are millions of items in the
    world, no single library
    can have them all, and if they did you couldnt search it, or update as
    new items come out etc.

    The attempt to provide one large library is not the hot solution, nor
    is relying on web site libraries
    for the same reason. Say its a gear motor you need. There are
    hundreds of thousands of those to
    wad through, with only one or two mfgrs making the ONE you need.

    none of that works.

    what would work is a library for 'Gearmotors used in commerical
    conveyor systems'..that would be maybe 50 gear
    motors... and way more than slightly useful to a conveyor engineer..
    thats all he needs. you could sell that for
    50 or 100 bucks.. he'd love that..and you'd gain a much larger user
    base for yer software that way, and make
    more money becaise he would also buy the 'small to medium size ANSI
    NC bolt and nut library, 1/4" to 7/8" for 20 to 50 bucks
    and be happy as hell not to have to wade through the usual general
    library mess.

    In my business Ie buy maybe 5 or 10 specialty libraries for 300 to
    500 dollars total... (you hire private guys in that
    trade to give you a list of what they use... you dont pick random crap
    from some on line library.

    the library designer folks are not in that
    trade in most cases apparently...so its like yer girlfriend picking
    out yer machine tools for you.

    doesnt woik.

    phil scott, Aug 12, 2009
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