Illegal use of autocad

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steve Franks, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. Steve Franks

    Steve Franks Guest

    I work for a company that employes alot of outworkers. These people
    all say they have their own autocad software. Is there any way of
    checking the drawings these people produce so that we can tell if the
    drawings are done using legit copies of autocad? My boss is stressing
    that if we are in possession of drawings drawn on dodgy copies of cad
    then we could be introuble!
    Steve Franks, Mar 7, 2005
  2. Steve Franks

    longshot Guest

    only if you KNOW they are done that way. put a clause in your contracts that
    states all work must be completed on a registered copy & that it is the
    drafters responsibility to keep their registrations up to date ect..
    longshot, Mar 7, 2005
  3. Steve Franks

    designer Guest

    You won't know, unless they tell you, or they are using an educational
    version which will be overstamped when you print it.
    designer, Mar 7, 2005
  4. Steve Franks

    longshot Guest

    i wonder how you know THAT,
    longshot, Mar 7, 2005
  5. Steve Franks

    Modat22 Guest

    If there is ever a question, just send your thoughts to autodesk. They
    are pretty good about chasing down violators.
    Modat22, Mar 7, 2005
  6. Steve Franks

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    : > >
    : >
    : > If there is ever a question, just send your thoughts to autodesk. They
    : > are pretty good about chasing down violators.
    : i wonder how you know THAT,

    Like the new Anti Terror legislation wants to put on the British statutes, if
    you don't like someone just give AutoDesk the NOD and they will do the rest.

    TheWizard [ ]
    email is faked to deter spammers
    Vivat vox populi, via veritas vitae
    Sic transit gloria mundi, sic itur ad astra
    uNkulunkulu, Mar 8, 2005
  7. Steve Franks

    G Farris Guest

    I agree with "longshot" -
    Just put a clause in the contract. This, added to the fact that you are giving
    someone some real work will encourage some of them to set the situation
    straight. This is the most positive way to handle it. It shows that the
    company is managing the situation seriously, without being over-zealous about

    Offering work with the caveat that you will launch preemptive criminal
    investigations against anyone who applies is perhaps not a productive

    The model proposed by Autodesk - use the student verdsion while a student,
    then pay up - is not the only way to migrate to being a full, legit user. Many
    people have used "borrowed" copies until they had a serious job opportunity,
    then decided to get more serious.

    G Faris
    G Farris, Mar 8, 2005
  8. Steve Franks

    Modat22 Guest

    I know that because this has happened a few times in KY. A couple
    times to CAD drafters and once that I know of to a company.

    There's not a good reason to steal acad for personal use anyway, there
    are other software options available for those that can't afford to
    buy acad.
    Modat22, Mar 8, 2005
  9. Steve Franks

    Rose Guest

    Exactly what I was going to say!

    That way your company will be protected.

    Grant Basics 101!
    Rose, Mar 12, 2005
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