Igs translation and face/surface extraction

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Da Crew, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. Da Crew

    Da Crew Guest

    Hi group,

    We utilize Pro/e (still learning) and CV. We were first told by the Pro/e
    outfit that we would be able to call up native UG .prt files in Pro/e. We
    have since found that is not true. We only have one seat of UG and there
    are no more engineers here that are proficient at it so it has really become
    only a way to convert the files for use in Pro/e or CV.

    Our problems have been that when the models are brought into Pro/e after
    ..igs'ing them from UG NX we see the model as only ONE entity, even though
    the list of Quilts is long. We cannot seem to find a way to either export
    it as surfaces (into Pro/e) or extract the surfaces in Pro/e (which we can
    do in UG). When brought up in CV it usually is a surface model, not solid,
    but is sometimes missing information. We've tried exporting from UG as an
    ..igs and as a parasolid, but neither seems more successful in Pro/e.

    Anyone know how to extract surfaces (or quilts) in Pro/e?

    The Crew
    Da Crew, Oct 8, 2004
  2. Da Crew

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Import Feature in the Model Tree?
    What list?
    What is "extract"?

    If you'll "Edit Definition" the import feature you can manipulate (delete,
    repair, etc.) individual surfaces.

    If you just want a few surfaces for reference without the overhead of all
    the surfaces you can (one of a few ways to go about it, I guess) put your
    imported part in an assembly with a "reciever" part and copy individual

    I'm curious about the Pro/E / UG interoperability. What are your
    experiences? Don't have the UG interface module or it doesn't work for
    you? What ver Pro/E?
    Jeff Howard, Oct 8, 2004
  3. Da Crew

    David Janes Guest

    : >...............
    : > Our problems have been that when the models are
    : > brought into Pro/e after .igs'ing them from UG NX
    : > we see the model as only ONE entity, ....
    : Import Feature in the Model Tree?
    : > ..... even though the list of Quilts is long. ....
    : What list?

    Maybe the list of quilts under the Layer tree.
    : > We cannot seem to find a way to either export it as
    : > surfaces (into Pro/e) or extract the surfaces in Pro/e ......
    : What is "extract"?
    I share Jeff's confusion. If I knew what you were trying to do with these
    surfaces, I (we) could be more help. There are, in fact, limited ways to work with
    imported solids/surfaces. You can use them as they are for 'Merge/cutout'
    operations (AutoCAD/UG/Parasolid boolean subtract). Or, you can do Pro/e surface
    copy operations; or you can use the imported surfaces for copy geom from other
    models ('Insert>Shared data>Copy geometry from other model') which gets you some
    independent surfaces to play with. What you need depends on what you are trying to
    do with the imported data. Care to share?

    David Janes

    : If you'll "Edit Definition" the import feature you can manipulate (delete,
    : repair, etc.) individual surfaces.
    : If you just want a few surfaces for reference without the overhead of all
    : the surfaces you can (one of a few ways to go about it, I guess) put your
    : imported part in an assembly with a "reciever" part and copy individual
    : surfaces.
    : I'm curious about the Pro/E / UG interoperability. What are your
    : experiences? Don't have the UG interface module or it doesn't work for
    : you? What ver Pro/E?
    David Janes, Oct 12, 2004
  4. Da Crew

    Da Crew Guest

    In CV when we hand our programmers our geometry to cut (NC program) they
    receive it as a solid since that's how we build it. We generally
    'piece-meal' the programmers information as we complete it or as they need
    it (airfoil blocks here, shrouds there, etc.). In order for the programmers
    to be able to utilize the information, they must break it apart, so to
    speak. I don't believe CV will cut solid geometry so the programmers must
    turn the solids into surfaces. They do so by 'extracting' the faces or
    surfaces from the solid. These generally are untrimmed surfaces which the
    programmer must then retrim to one another to create a useful surface model
    with which to cut. CV will allow extraction of faces, surfaces and even

    Generally when we receive models in engineering from the customers, they are
    already surface models, not solids so we don't usually have any problems.
    We've tried to call this .igs file up into CV, but it has bombed out on us
    or is missing a lot surfaces or other information. Since we are learning
    Pro/E I wanted to take this opportunity to try it there. The quilt list IS
    in the Layer Tree as mentioned. They all have the same name and highlight
    the entire model when selected.

    The subject in question is a rework tool. Therefore I only need a small
    portion of the original model which has a LOT of information in it. We
    thought by 'extracting' only the geometry that we need, any subsequent .igs
    conversion would have a greater chance of compatibility and completeness
    since the translator is dealing with a considerably smaller file. The tool
    we generally use in UG to 'extract' the surfaces does not work with this

    When I build a solid in Pro/E I am able to highlight any surface or feature
    individually, but not w/this .igs translation. If I were able to 'extract'
    the surface, radius or other information in a more precise manner, it would
    be helpful.

    I apologize if this isn't very clear as I'm still trying to grasp how Pro/E
    works and I know less about UG which makes for a frustrating time in trying
    to explain all of this and then ask for the help I need when, in fact, I
    don't know exactly where I need the help.

    If exporting from UG using different modifiers is the key, then we're
    willing to try that. If the key is getting a better model from the customer
    then we'll start there, but I doubt we'll get very far. By better model I
    mean that a UG-native model SHOULD be able to extract it's own geometry, but
    this model will not allow it.

    Btw, anyone on here have experience using Pro/e in the specific discipline
    of jet-engine airfoils and airfoil tooling?


    Thanks guys,
    The Crew
    Da Crew, Oct 12, 2004
  5. Da Crew,

    (These suggestions have been mentioned already but.. I'll add to help)

    The best way, imho, is to open a new file and...
    Insert/Shared Data/Copy Geometry from Other Model/Open (the imported
    iges proe file)/Default (coordinate system)/Surface Refs/Include/Indiv
    Surfs or Quilts.. (now you have the surfaces you want)

    Otherwise, if you want to keep the data all in the same imported iges
    proe file:
    Add all the imported surface geometry to one layer, then,
    Insert/Surface/Copy the surfaces (or quilts) you want, then Blank the
    layer with all the imported surfaces. (now you have surfaces you want)

    Good luck..
    Paul Salvador, Oct 12, 2004
  6. Da Crew

    Jeff Howard Guest

    <<< "In CV when we hand our programmers our geometry to cut (NC program)
    they receive it as a solid since that's how we build it. We generally
    'piece-meal' the programmers information as we complete it or as they need
    it (airfoil blocks here, shrouds there, etc.). In order for the
    programmers to be able to utilize the information, they must break it
    apart, so to speak. I don't believe CV will cut solid geometry so the
    programmers must turn the solids into surfaces. They do so by 'extracting'
    the faces or surfaces from the solid. These generally are untrimmed
    surfaces which the programmer must then retrim to one another to create a
    useful surface model with which to cut. CV will allow extraction of faces,
    surfaces and even edges." >>>

    If I'm following, you can export discrete surface, quilts, curves (?), etc.
    from Pro/E. Quilts can be selected from within the export dialog. Curves
    probably require a little layer manipulation (I've never done it, but
    believe it should be possible).


    <<< "Generally when we receive models in engineering from the customers,
    they are already surface models, not solids so we don't usually have any
    problems. We've tried to call this .igs file up into CV, but it has bombed
    out on us or is missing a lot surfaces or other information. Since we are
    learning Pro/E I wanted to take this opportunity to try it there. The
    quilt list IS in the Layer Tree as mentioned. They all have the same name
    and highlight the entire model when selected.

    The subject in question is a rework tool. Therefore I only need a small
    portion of the original model which has a LOT of information in it. We
    thought by 'extracting' only the geometry that we need, any subsequent .igs
    conversion would have a greater chance of compatibility and completeness
    since the translator is dealing with a considerably smaller file. The tool
    we generally use in UG to 'extract' the surfaces does not work with this
    model." >>>

    One way: Set the selection filter to "Geometry". Highlight and select a
    surface. Menu: Edit / Copy, then Edit / Paste (or ctrl+C and ctrl+V). The
    Copy dashboard will open and you can (I think) select additional chained
    surfaces. (There are intricacies with the "selection" process that I don't
    want to get into; I don't understand them well enough to explain, but they
    can be figured out and there is a tutorial on PTC's site.) Once you have
    copied all the required surfaces, export and specify the quilts to be
    exported (look for the Quilt button in dialog).

    Another, maybe easier way: Put the reference file in an assembly and start
    a new part file (in the assy). Go thru the copy routine and just export
    the part file (don't have to worry about filtering the exported entities).


    <<< "When I build a solid in Pro/E I am able to highlight any surface or
    feature individually, but not w/this .igs translation. If I were able to
    'extract' the surface, radius or other information in a more precise
    manner, it would be helpful." >>>

    You should be able to, I think. When you have trouble selecting something
    that you think you should be able to ditch the Smart selection filter and
    set it to the type entity you are after.

    You can also determine whether import feature surfaces are treated as
    surfaces or quilts. Select the Import Feature, Edit Definition. Menu:
    Edit / Feature Properties, clear the Join Surfs box. (It's actually a
    little more complicated sometimes; you may have to go thru an Edit Boundary
    to get the surface out of a quilt, but let's save that for another time if
    it's really necessary <g>.)


    <<< "I apologize if this isn't very clear as I'm still trying to grasp how
    Pro/E works and I know less about UG which makes for a frustrating time in
    trying to explain all of this and then ask for the help I need when, in
    fact, I don't know exactly where I need the help.

    If exporting from UG using different modifiers is the key, then we're
    willing to try that. If the key is getting a better model from the
    customer then we'll start there, but I doubt we'll get very far. By better
    model I mean that a UG-native model SHOULD be able to extract it's own
    geometry, but this model will not allow it." >>>

    Shouldn't be any major problems getting what you want, or shouldn't think
    so. Holler back if you can't get it figured out. What version Pro/E are
    you using (I've missed it if you've said)?


    <<< "Btw, anyone on here have experience using Pro/e in the specific
    discipline of jet-engine airfoils and airfoil tooling?" >>>

    Turbine components or airframe? Can't claim to "know" anything about
    airfoils, but do occasionally deal with them in the course of doing
    airframe structural repairs. I also do some occasional tooling for static
    test fixtures, though the only airfoil related one I've done was a winglet
    fixture. Whatcha wanna know?

    Jeff Howard, Oct 12, 2004
  7. Da Crew

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Cool. Can't help ya. Google search for:

    aviation OR aerospace turbine tooling pro/e OR pro/engineer

    might get you a start. Might also get your sales rep to put out some
    feelers at PTC for some contacts. Good luck with it.
    Jeff Howard, Oct 12, 2004
  8. Da Crew

    Alex Sh. Guest

    Through my current employer I've done a good deal of work for Solar Turbines
    in San Diego. My stuff has mostly been tool design, but the tooling I do has
    to interface to the Solar's parts, which have a lot of various airfoil
    shapes. They don't do aircraft engines; their turbines are built for power
    generation and oil/gas pumping stations, but it probably doesn't make a lot
    of difference from your standpoint.
    I won't be able to help you with WF2-specifics: Solar (and, therefore, we)
    is on WF still. But it shouldn't make a hell of a lot of difference, either.
    For your purposes it would be the best if your Wildfire rep could get you in
    touch with people at Solar. However, don't hold your breath: they are
    extremely security-paranoid (with good reason). On the other hand, if there
    are any software-related questions I can answer without sharing their
    designs, I don't see how this will violate our NDA with them.

    You can email me at (minus the 'remove'
    Alex Sh., Oct 13, 2004
  9. Da Crew

    Shaun T Guest

    Doesn't ProE offer an "add in" modual for a few thousand dollars that
    lets you import a UG solid model complet with feature tree?
    Shaun T, Oct 13, 2004
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