iges model distorted after imported to Solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jeff_zhang446, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. Hi,
    I am facing a problem when importing a curve iges surface. It seems to
    me the curve surface is actually distorted after import to Solidworks.

    The surface consists of entity:
    128 - nurbs surface
    126 - nurbs curve
    102 - composite curve
    142 - curve on parametric surface
    144 - trimmed surface

    I then saved it as another iges file by using Solidworks then compared
    the original iges file with the new one.

    I found that the control points at type 128 and 126 are same bt. the 2
    files. However the knot vector and weight are slightly different.

    I tried different setting and the result remain the same ie
    solid : case 1. try form solid
    case 2: knit surface
    case 3: do not knit

    I wonder if this is a common issue? Is there solution ?

    I wonder appreciate if someone can give me some advice here.

    Thank you.

    jeff_zhang446, Dec 6, 2005
  2. jeff_zhang446

    SoCalMike Guest

    Have you tried import diagnostics? I know when I get iges files
    sometimes, they have gaps or missing faces, and import dianostics ha
    repaired them every time. With Iges files you will find that most of
    the time, the native model is the one with the errors even though you
    may not see them. I have been shown where you take a model that you
    create, save it off as an iges, and bring it back in. In a particular
    case, it all of a sudden had errors.

    So I would try import diagnostics first off.
    SoCalMike, Dec 6, 2005
  3. jeff_zhang446

    Cliff Guest

    Check the degree in the original IGES file.
    What's the max SW supports?
    Cliff, Dec 6, 2005
  4. the orignal no. of degree for all the curves is 1. However after
    imported to Solidworks, the number of degree has been incresed to 3.
    This really confuse me.
    There is only one curve surface that I import to. So this should be a
    stright forward thing, simply read in the data as defined in the
    original file.
    However it seems to me the kernel has done additonal work.
    Is this very common?
    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    jeff_zhang446, Dec 9, 2005
  5. jeff_zhang446

    Cliff Guest

    This should only be true for straight lines between two points.
    Have you read it correctly???
    Cliff, Dec 10, 2005
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