iges file compare

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Hi all,

    I have a complex swept part, about 35' x 15' profile with a swept
    section about 2' tall and 1' wide. It's analogous to a giant crown
    molding in looks.

    I have split the part into about 20 pieces for mold making/casting.
    The parts are being exported as IGES files for the fabricator.

    I want to compare the iges files to ensure they are identical.

    I open the original part and then open it's iges counterpart and do a
    'geometry compare'. It almost every case the volume is 'identical' but
    there are almost always 'unique faces' listed.

    In my mind if the volume is identical that should be good enough? I
    take it to mean that the unique faces are so close to one another that
    boolean operations are impossible and I should be happy that it's all
    Good Enough (tm)!!

    Do you all agree?

    Here is a snippet from the report of a sample part:

    Reference Part Modified Part
    Unique Face(s) 8 8
    Modified Face(s) 1 1

    Volume Comparison

    The solid volumes of both the bodies are identical.

    Mass Properties

    Parameter Reference Part Modified Part
    Surface Area 1860414.3878mm^2 1860416.4688mm^2
    Volume 17098479.8507mm^3 17098545.7532mm^3
    Center of Gravity (0.074mm, 473.1173mm, 1216.3107mm) (0.0736mm,
    473.1185mm, 1216.3106mm)
    Zander, Sep 6, 2005
  2. Zander

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I agree with you! In fact, I agree so much that I have disabled Utilities
    to compare faces. It only checks volumes.

    There are 2 different volumes that can be discussed here, volume values and
    occupied volumes. You can have 2 parts that each have the same volume value
    (i.e. 1 cubic inch), but the parts occupy different volumes. These parts
    are not identical (technical exceptions can exist, see below). But if the
    occupied volumes are identical (which is what Utilities checks), then the
    parts ARE ALWAYS identical.

    The exception to the above rule is when there are 2 identical bodies,
    occupying the same geometric space, but modeled in a different relationship
    to the origin with one another. Imagine two 1x1x1 cubes. One of them is
    modeled with the origin dead center of the volume. The other one is modeled
    with the origin at one vertex. Both parts are technically the same exact
    part, just modeled a bit skewed to each other. But SW Utilities will not be
    able to tell this due to the volumes relationship to the origin. It will
    think they are different.
    Seth Renigar, Sep 6, 2005
  3. Zander

    That70sTick Guest

    Checking volumes, surface area, and CG should be enough.
    Theoretically, parts can be equal in all these respects but still
    different, but that's a stretch. You could also compare inertia
    moments (provided density is same on both parts). Adding that to your
    comparison matrix would make your comparison nearly error-proof.
    That70sTick, Sep 6, 2005
  4. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    I doubt it.
    Cliff, Sep 6, 2005
  5. Zander

    That70sTick Guest

    Doubt all you want. Beer's on me when you actually disprove it.
    That70sTick, Sep 7, 2005
  6. Zander

    Mike Young Guest

    Is half a cc out of a half gallon enough to matter? It might. Judge for
    yourself; and usenet WAG polling doesn't count toward due diligence.
    Mike Young, Sep 7, 2005
  7. Zander

    Zander Guest

    What is "usenet WAG polling"???

    Zander, Sep 9, 2005
  8. Zander

    Michael Guest

    WAG=WildAssGuess; sometimes used as SWAG=SillyWildAssGuess
    Michael, Sep 9, 2005
  9. Zander

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Mike wrote:
    /* Is half a cc out of a half gallon enough to matter? It might. Judge for
    yourself; and usenet WAG polling doesn't count toward due diligence. */

    Zander wrote:
    /* What is "usenet WAG polling"??? */

    I'll take a W(ild) A(ss) G(uess) at Mike's meaning: If you haven't identified
    critical features and explicitly verified conformity you are not doing your job
    as you should be. Most of an average "part" is just filler between function
    critical features and most of the checks mentioned are influenced by the
    trivial, only imply conformity of the critical.
    Jeff Howard, Sep 9, 2005
  10. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    The part is just there to keep the features apart.
    When they run together, like a pile of holes, you
    can get a real mess.
    Cliff, Sep 9, 2005
  11. Zander

    Zander Guest

    I was wondering how others used sw's geometry compare tool for
    verifying 'exported' date ie. an iges file in this case. I'm still
    surprised by the amount of deviation present in a sw exported file for
    parts of this size. Sw is able to identify a changes face at a finer
    resolution than it can identify a change in volume. It can show the
    change in volume numerically but not indicate it's location. When you
    work to the resolution of your tools you are at the limit of proof. I
    wansn't doing any WAG polling that I know of....!
    Zander, Sep 10, 2005
  12. Zander

    Mike Young Guest

    I don't recall the numbers you posted earlier, but remember thinking it
    equated to about half or less a cc in two liters of volume. About equal a
    few minutes of atmospheric evaporation in Kissimmee in July? A plaster cast
    likely varies much more than that... Anyway, converting NURBS to polys
    should have measurable error. (IGES is polygon-based, right?) The
    tesselation would be too fine if it didn't.
    Mike Young, Sep 11, 2005
  13. Zander

    Jeff Howard Guest

    (IGES is polygon-based, right?)

    IGES has representations for most surface types, preserving control vertice
    structures (number, position, weight) and knot vectors. There is no loss of
    accuracy, change in topology inherent in the translation.

    I believe the polygon facet surface rep is one of the few objects without an
    IGES representation matching most source system's data structure. Think the
    source system must convert them to analytic, parametric or rational b-spline
    entities before export. There should be no inherent loss of accuracy here
    either as these are the simplest of surface reps requiring only control vertice
    locations for definition.

    Going further into subject matter I 'know' nothing about; topology changes occur
    in translations where either the source or target system change surface reps
    (type of rep, degree, etc.) before or after writing / reading the translation
    (Catia v4 is an example? Pretty rare otherwise?). Screwing up trim boundaries
    is another matter which is, to venture a guess, due to either the source or
    target system not conforming to IGES standards or making bad assumptions
    regarding data processing (conflicting or misinterpreted option switch

    "Healing" algorithms can (very often do to an objectionable magnitude) alter

    I don't know if or how this might be applicable to the original question /
    problem. I do think what I'd do (I'm assuming contours are in question) is
    create some section cuts thru both data sets and compare deviations and
    curvature graphs, but I don't know SW and there may be some other function that
    will tell the user more with less effort. Generic body checks are WAGs that
    don't tell me exactly what I want to know. [My thoughts on the subject,
    Jeff Howard, Sep 11, 2005
  14. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Sep 12, 2005
  15. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    There should well be loss of "accuracy".
    Polygons are at best approximations to begin with. And take a lot
    of data to represent even a simple surface, usually. Only simple
    things like planes might be exact or nearly so.
    Cliff, Sep 12, 2005
  16. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    Do polygons need topology?
    I don't think so ... just a computable, "consistant"
    surface vector which would come from a convention
    based on the order of the vertexes. It would point either "out"
    or "in". If even that is needed.
    Cliff, Sep 12, 2005
  17. Zander

    Jeff Howard Guest

    There should well be loss of "accuracy".
    Wasn't (or, at least, had no intention of) talking about converting to polygons.
    I don't believe there is an IGES entity that, for instance, an acad polyface
    mesh, 3dFace, etc. can be written to without translating the polygons to
    something that can be written out as an analytic or parametric surface (types
    114, 128? Don't get me to lyin'. I'm up to my ears trying to understand this
    stuff.) Acad's IGES translator will do that. There should be no inherent loss
    of accuracy.
    Jeff Howard, Sep 12, 2005
  18. Zander

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Do polygons need topology?

    " ... topology changes occur in translations where either the source or target
    system change surface reps
    (type of rep, degree, etc.) before or after writing / reading the translation
    .... " wasn't intended to encompass conversion to facet reps, though that might
    not have been clear. Within that context the definition of "topology" was
    simply contour, shape, ...

    My reference to Catia v4: It's been my impression (hearsay, no first hand
    experience) that conversion from Bezier to rational B-Spline or NURBS (or
    whatever, but not facet) reps is among the primary reasons for many other
    systems having trouble (do have first hand experience) reading their exports.
    If you can comment on that it would be appreciated.
    Jeff Howard, Sep 12, 2005
  19. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    Once you have the polygons you lose the accuracy of the
    original surface, except, perhaps, as related to the vertex
    You can interpolate the original surface to any desired
    accuracy (within computational limits).
    When you have polygons you've already lost the information
    between the vertex points. There is no way to get it back,
    In fact, from a set of polygons, you don't even know how
    many surfaces you had to begin with or what possible
    constraints, such as tangent issues, they were under
    when created.

    IGES does support "copious data" BTW.
    Output Polygons as Entity # 106:12 (copious data). Polygon meshes will
    be output to the IGES file using 'copious data' entity # 106, form #
    Cliff, Sep 12, 2005
  20. Zander

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Once you have the polygons you lose the accuracy ...

    Understood, but conversions from "real surface" (if you'll allow that) reps to
    facet reps was never, in my mind, relevant to the subject matter (aside from
    Mike's "IGES is polygons" assumption).
    Ah! Many thanks for that. To be honest, I've never had a clue what "copious
    data" is. At a glance it looks like they are writing out a lists of
    bounding vertices? Never mind, I can dig into it. `;^)
    Jeff Howard, Sep 12, 2005
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