IGES conversion

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by caduser, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. caduser

    caduser Guest


    I received an IGES file and I'm trying to extract some dimension from

    When I try the model it tells me "Could not create reference dimension
    from current set of selected items.

    I tried to create a drawing and dimension it and I get a message, "The
    selected entity could not be converted into a line or a circular arc."

    Does anybody know of a way to get these dimensions?

    Thank you

    BTW. I'm using SWX 2006
    caduser, Sep 17, 2007
  2. caduser

    PotFlower Guest

    How about clicking endpoints? If you;re trying to get a radius value,
    try tracing over it with an arc.

    Whew. Maybe we should let this place sink into the swamp.

    PotFlower, Sep 17, 2007
  3. caduser

    arif Guest

    I usually try to create a tangent line or other geometry off of tjhe
    IGES data, and use these as dimension references. Sometimes SW will
    let you use the existing IGES geometry to create reference entities,
    instead of letting you dimension directly off of the IGES geometry.
    arif, Sep 18, 2007
  4. caduser

    TOP Guest

    Turn on VIEW FACE CURVATURE. Then you can assess the model and get
    some insight into which features are analytical and which are spline

    1. Try FeatureWorks
    2. Try the measure tool
    3. Slice and convert edges or overlay three point circles as needed.


    PS: What is the source of the IGES file?
    TOP, Sep 18, 2007
  5. caduser

    caduser Guest

    I think it's Alias <sp>
    caduser, Sep 18, 2007
  6. caduser

    TOP Guest

    If you turn on face curvature display can you see faces with constant
    Are the features you want to measure showing up with a single color or
    a rainbow of colors?

    TOP, Sep 18, 2007
  7. caduser

    Cliff Guest

    You might want to verify the type(s) of entities you
    are trying to dimension ...
    Cliff, Sep 18, 2007
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