IFS ERP's integrated PDM package

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by skiani, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. skiani

    skiani Guest


    Does anyone have experience with IFS's (an ERP package) integrated PDM
    package? We are being sold on this integrated package. I'm looking for
    pit falls etc. Thanks,
    skiani, Jul 23, 2007
  2. skiani

    Bo Guest

    Get some advice from the people who have already seen the pitfalls and
    extreme wastes of both money & time, from having lived through these

    Matt Lombard has had a pdf on his website regarding PDM (& similar)
    packages, and there are lots of things which happen which are not
    mentioned by the "salesmen".

    Paying a SWCP for advice might be the least expensive way to go.


    Bo, Jul 23, 2007
  3. skiani

    harry Guest

    I believe DBWorks PDM has an integration with IFS ERP?
    harry, Jul 23, 2007
  4. skiani

    kenneth Guest

    If you're referring to a Certified SolidWorks Professional (CSWP), a CSWP
    only demonstrates ones ability with respect to Solidworks, it's add-ins and
    test taking.
    I have to disagree with paying a CSWP for advice on this.
    kenneth, Jul 23, 2007
  5. skiani

    Bo Guest

    I should have said a CSWP who is a consultant on CAD system
    implementations in the size company and industry you work in, so he
    has hands on experience of what goes right and what doesn't.

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Jul 23, 2007
  6. skiani

    Bo Guest

    I also remember that about a year back was an extensive set of
    discussions regarding PLM, PDM and similar packages in this newsgroup,
    so those are easy to search out.

    Bo, Jul 23, 2007
  7. skiani

    skiani Guest

    I've search them out and found nothing on IFS specifically which is
    the quest of my posting.
    skiani, Jul 24, 2007
  8. skiani

    skiani Guest

    Ok it looks like we are considering the following packages;

    1. IFS. They are proposing to use their document vault to keep the
    Solidworks files (they have some sort of Solidworks plug-in that does

    2. Syteline.

    3. JD Edwards.

    Any comments or experiences most appreciated. Thanks.
    skiani, Jul 24, 2007
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